atget: Get/Put Objects From/To Temporary Work Environment

View source: R/PBSadmb.r

atgetR Documentation

Get/Put Objects From/To Temporary Work Environment


These functions are wrappers to the PBSmodelling accessor functions that get/print objects from or put objects into a temporary work environment, in this case .PBSadmbEnv. Working objects include PBSadmb, which acts as a storage object for some of the functions, and .PBSadmb, which controls the options for the user's project.





For atget through to atput, the only free argument is:
x – name (with or without quotes) of an object to retrieve or store in the temporary environment; cannot be represented by a variable.
Fixed arguments: penv = parent.frame(), tenv = .PBSadmbEnv
See tget for additional information.

For alisp, there is only one fixed argument:
pos = .PBSadmbEnv
All other arguments are available – see lisp


These accessor functions were developed as a response to the CRAN repository policy statement: “Packages should not modify the global environment (user's workspace).”


Objects are retrieved from or sent to the temporary working environment to/from the place where the function(s) are called. Additionally, atcall invisibly returns the object without transferring, which is useful when the object is a function that the user may wish to call, for example, atcall(myfunc)(), or as arguments in other functions.


Additional wrapper functions to access functions in .PBSadmbEnv are named with the prefix .win (none at the moment).


Rowan Haigh, Program Head – Offshore Rockfish
Pacific Biological Station (PBS), Fisheries & Oceans Canada (DFO), Nanaimo BC
locus opus: Offsite, Vancouver BC
Last modified Rd: 2023-11-10


CRAN Repository Policy

See Also

In package PBSmodelling:
tget, and lisp

PBSadmb documentation built on Nov. 11, 2023, 1:07 a.m.