
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
print.MFAmix<-function (x, ...) 
  res.mfa <- x
  if (!inherits(res.mfa, "MFAmix")) 
    stop("non convenient data")
  cat("**Results of the Multiple Factor Analysis for mixed data (MFAmix)**\n")
  cat("The analysis was performed on", nrow(res.mfa$global.pca$rec$X.quanti), 
      "individuals, described by", ncol(res.mfa$global.pca$rec$X), "variables\n")
  cat("*Results are available in the following objects :\n\n")
  #res <- array("", c(13, 2), list(1:13, c("name", "description")))
  res <- matrix("",13,2)
  colnames(res) <- c("name", "description")
  res[1, ] <- c("$eig", "eigenvalues")
  res[2, ] <- c("$eig.separate", "eigenvalues of the separate analyses")
  res[3, ] <- c("$separate.analyses", "separate analyses for each group of variables")
  res[4, ] <- c("$groups", "results for all the groups")
  res[5, ] <- c("$partial.axes", "results for the partial axes")
  res[6, ] <- c("$ind", "results for the individuals")
  res[7, ] <- c("$ind.partial", "results for the partial individuals")
  res[8, ] <- c("$quanti", "results for the quantitative variables")
  res[9, ] <- c("$levels", "results for the levels of the qualitative variables")
  res[10, ] <- c("$quali", "results for the qualitative variables")
  res[11,] <- c("$sqload", "squared loadings")
  res[12, ] <- c("$listvar.group", "list of variables in each group")
  res[13, ] <- c("$global.pca", "results for the global PCA")
  if (!(is.null(x$sqload.sup)))
    sup <- matrix("",6,2)
    sup[1,] <- c("$quanti.sup", "results for the supp. quant. variables")
    sup[2,] <- c("$levels.sup", "results for the levels of the supp. qual? variables")
    sup[3,] <- c("$sqload.sup", "squared loadings of the supp? variables")
    sup[4,] <- c("$partial.axes.sup", "results for the partial axes of supp. groups")
    sup[5,] <- c("$listvar.group", "list of variables in supp. groups")
    sup[6,] <- c("$group.sup", "coordinates of supp. groups")
    res <- rbind(res,sup)
  utils::write.table(res,row.names = FALSE)

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PCAmixdata documentation built on May 2, 2019, 12:38 p.m.