Man pages for PFIM
Population Fisher Information Matrix

addModelAdd a model to a library of models.
addModelsAdd a models to a library of models.
Administration-classClass "Administration"
AdministrationConstraints-classClass "AdministrationConstraints"
Arm-classClass "Arm"
BayesianFim-classClass "BayesianFim"
checkSamplingTimeConstraintsForContinuousOptimizationCheck for the samplingTime constraints for continuous...
Combined1-classClass "Combined1"
Constant-classClass "Constant"
convertPKModelAnalyticToPKModelODEConvert an analytic model to a ode model.
defineModelDefine a model.
defineModelFromLibraryOfModelsDefine a model from the library of models.
defineModelTypeDefine the type of a model.
defineModelUserDefinedDefine a user defined model.
definePKModelDefine a PK model.
definePKPDModelDefine a PKPD model.
Design-classClass "Design"
Distribution-classClass "Distribution"
EvaluateErrorModelDerivativesEvaluate the error model derivatives.
EvaluateFisherMatrixEvaluate the Fisher matrix ( population, individual and...
EvaluateModelEvaluate a model.
EvaluateVarianceFIMEvaluate the variance of the Fisher information matrix.
EvaluateVarianceModelEvaluate the variance of a model.
Evaluation-classClass "Evaluation"
FedorovWynnAlgorithm-classClass "FedorovWynnAlgorithm"
FedorovWynnAlgorithm_RcppFedorov-Wynn algorithm in Rcpp.
Fim-classClass "Fim"
fisher.simplexCompute the fisher.simplex
fun.amoebafunction fun.amoeba
generateFimsFromConstraintsGenerate the fim from the constraints
generateReportEvaluationGenerate the report for the evaluation
generateReportOptimizationGenerate report for the optimization.
generateSamplingsFromSamplingConstraintsGenerate samplings from sampling constraints
generateTablesGenerate the tables for the report.
getArmsGet the arms of an object.
getcErrorGet the parameter c.
getColumnAndParametersNamesFIMGet the names of the names of the parameters associated to...
getColumnAndParametersNamesFIMInLatexGet the names of the names of the parameters associated to...
getConditionNumberFixedEffectsGet the condition number of the matrix of the fixed effects.
getConditionNumberVarianceEffectsGet the condition number of the matrix of the variance...
getContentGet content of a library of models.
getCorrelationMatrixGet the correlation matrix.
getDataFrameResultsGet the dataframe of the results.
getDcriterionGet the D criterion of the fim.
getDeltaGet the parameter delta
getDerivativesGet the derivatives of the model error equation.
getDescriptionGet the description of a model.
getDesignsGet the designs.
getDeterminantGet the determinant of the fim.
getDistributionGet the distribution.
getEigenValuesGet the eigenvalues of the fim.
getElementaryProtocolsGet the elementary protocols.
getEquationGet the equation of a model error.
getEquationsGet the equations of a model.
getEquationsAfterInfusionGet the equations after infusion.
getEquationsDuringInfusionGet the equations during infusion.
getEvaluationFIMResultsGet the results of the evaluation.
getEvaluationInitialDesignResultsGet the evaluation results of the initial design.
getFisherMatrixGet the FIM.
getFixedEffectsGet the matrix of fixed effects.
getFixedMuGet the fixed effect.
getFixedOmegaGet the fixed variance.
getFixedParametersGet the fixed parameters.
getFixedTimesGet the fixed sampling times.
getIterationAndCriteriaGet the iteration with the convergence criteria.
getLambdaGet the parameter lambda.
getLibraryPDModelsGet the library of PD models.
getLibraryPKModelsGet the library of PK models.
getMinSamplingGet the minimal sampling times.
getModelGet the model.
getModelEquationsGet the model equations.
getModelErrorGet the model error.
getModelErrorParametersValuesGet the values of the model error parameters.
getModelFromLibraryGet a model from the library of models.
getModelParametersGet the model parameters.
getModelParametersValuesGet the values of the model parameters.
getNumberOfIterationsGet the number of iterations.
getNumberOfParametersGet the number of parameters.
getNumberOfsamplingsOptimisableGet the number of sampling times that are optimisable.
getNumberOfTimesByWindowsGet the number of sampling times by windows.
getOmegaGet the matrix omega of an object.
getOptimalDesignGet the optimal design.
getOptimalFrequenciesGet the optimal frequencies
getOptimalWeightsGet the optimal weights.
getOptimizationResultsGet the optimization results.
getOptimizerGet the optimization algorithm.
getOptimizerParametersGet the optimization parameters.
getOutcomesGet the outcomes of a model.
getOutcomesForEvaluationGet the outcomes of a model used for the evaluation (is...
getParametersGet the parameters of an object.
getPDModelGet a PD model.
getPKModelGet a PK model.
getPKPDModelGet a PKPD model.
getPlotOptionsGet the plot options for graphs responses and SI
getProportionsOfSubjectsGet the proportion of subjects.
getRSEGet the RSE
getSamplingsGet the sampling of an object.
getSamplingsWindowsGet the windows for the sampling times.
getSEGet the SE.
getShrinkageGet the shrinkage.
getSigmaInterGet the parameter sigma inter.
getSigmaSlopeGet the parameter sigma slope.
getTinfGet the infusion duration.
getVarianceEffectsGet the matrix of the variance effects.
IndividualFim-classClass "Fim"
isDoseInEquationsTest if the dose is in the equations of the model.
isModelAnalyticTest if a mode is analytic.
isModelBolusTest if a mode is bolus.
isModelInfusionTest if a mode is infusion
isModelODETest if a mode is ode.
isModelSteadyStateTest if a mode is steady state.
LibraryOfModels-classClass "LibraryOfModels"
LibraryOfPDModelsLibrary of the PK models
LibraryOfPKModelsLibrary of the PK models
LibraryOfPKPDModels-classClass "LibraryOfPKPDModels"
LogNormal-classClass "LogNormal"
ModelAnalyticBolus-classClass "ModelAnalyticBolus"
ModelAnalyticBolusSteadyState-classClass "ModelAnalyticBolusSteadyState"
ModelAnalytic-classClass "ModelAnalytic"
ModelAnalyticInfusion-classClass "ModelAnalyticInfusion"
ModelAnalyticInfusionSteadyState-classClass "ModelAnalyticInfusionSteadyState"
ModelAnalyticSteadyState-classClass "ModelAnalyticSteadyState"
ModelBolus-classClass "ModelBolus"
Model-classClass "Model"
ModelError-classClass "ModelError" representing a Model error.
ModelInfusion-classClass "ModelInfusion"
ModelODEBolus-classClass "ModelODEBolus"
ModelODE-classClass "ModelODE"
ModelODEDoseInEquations-classClass "ModelODEDoseInEquations"
ModelODEDoseNotInEquations-classClass "ModelODEDoseNotInEquations"
ModelODEInfusion-classClass "ModelODEInfusion"
ModelODEInfusionDoseInEquations-classClass "ModelODEInfusionDoseInEquations"
ModelParameter-classClass "ModelParameter"
MultiplicativeAlgorithm-classClass "MultiplicativeAlgorithm"
MultiplicativeAlgorithm_RcppFunction MultiplicativeAlgorithm_Rcpp
Normal-classClass "Normal"
OptimizationAlgorithm-classClass "OptimizationAlgorithm"
Optimization-classClass "Optimization"
optimizeOptimize a design.
parametersForComputingGradientDefine the parameters for computing the gradients of a model.
PFIM-packageFisher Information matrix for design evaluation/optimization...
PFIMProject-classClass "PFIMProject"
PGBOAlgorithm-classClass "PGBOAlgorithm"
plotEvaluationGraphs of the results of the evaluation.
PlotEvaluation-classClass "PlotEvaluation"
plotFrequenciesGraph of the frequencies for the FW algorithm.
plotRSEGraph of the RSE.
plotSEGraph the SE.
plotSensitivityIndiceGraphs of the results of the evaluation.
plotShrinkageGraph of the shrinkage.
plotWeightsGraph of the weights for the multiplicative algorithm.
PopulationFim-classClass "PopulationFim"
Proportional-classClass "Proportional"
PSOAlgorithm-classClass "PSOAlgorithm"
reportTablesFIMGenerate the tables for the report.
reportTablesModelErrorGenerate the tables for model errors for the evaluation...
reportTablesModelParametersGenerate the tables for model parameters for the evaluation...
resizeFisherMatrixResize the fisher Matrix from a vector to a matrix.
SamplingTimeConstraints-classClass "SamplingTimeConstraints"
SamplingTimes-classClass "SamplingTimes"
setArmsSet the arms of an object.
setcErrorSet the parameter c.
setContentSet content of a library of models.
setDerivativesSet the derivatives of the model error equation.
setDescriptionSet the description of a model.
setDesignsSet the designs.
setDistributionSet the distribution.
setDoseSet the amount of dose
setEquationSet the equation of a model error.
setEquationsSet the equations of a model.
setEquationsAfterInfusionSet the equations after infusion.
setEquationsDuringInfusionSet the equations during infusion.
setEvaluationFIMResultsSet the evaluation results.
setEvaluationInitialDesignResultsSet the evaluation results of the initial design.
setFimTypeToStringConvert the type of the object fim to a string.
setFisherMatrixSet the FIM.
setFixedEffectsSet the fixed effects.
setFixedMuSet the mu as fixed or not.
setFixedOmegaSet the omega as fixed of not.
setIterationAndCriteriaSet the iteration with the convergence criteria.
setModelSet the model.
setModelErrorSet the model error.
setModelFromLibrarySet a model from the library of model
setMuSet the value of the fixed effect mu of an object.
setNameSet the name of an object.
setOdeSolverParametersSet the parameters of the ode solver.
setOmegaSet the matrix omega of an object.
setOptimalDesignSet the optimal design.
setOptimalWeightsSet the optimal weights.
setOptimizationResultsSet the optimization results.
setOutcomesSet the outcomes of a model.
setOutcomesForEvaluationSet the outcomes of a model used for the evaluation (is...
setParametersSet the parameters of an object.
setSamplingsSet the sampling times.
setShrinkageSet the shrinkage.
setSigmaInterSet the parameter sigma inter.
setSigmaSlopeSet the parameter sigma slope.
setTinfSet the infusion duration.
setVarianceEffectsSet the matrix of the variance effects.
SimplexAlgorithm-classClass "SimplexAlgorithm"
PFIM documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:11 a.m.