addModel | Add a model to a library of models. |
addModels | Add a models to a library of models. |
Administration-class | Class "Administration" |
AdministrationConstraints-class | Class "AdministrationConstraints" |
Arm-class | Class "Arm" |
BayesianFim-class | Class "BayesianFim" |
checkSamplingTimeConstraintsForContinuousOptimization | Check for the samplingTime constraints for continuous... |
checkValiditySamplingConstraint | checkValiditySamplingConstraint |
Combined1-class | Class "Combined1" |
Constant-class | Class "Constant" |
convertPKModelAnalyticToPKModelODE | Convert an analytic model to a ode model. |
defineModel | Define a model. |
defineModelFromLibraryOfModels | Define a model from the library of models. |
defineModelType | Define the type of a model. |
defineModelUserDefined | Define a user defined model. |
definePKModel | Define a PK model. |
definePKPDModel | Define a PKPD model. |
Design-class | Class "Design" |
Distribution-class | Class "Distribution" |
EvaluateArm | EvaluateArm |
EvaluateDesign | EvaluateDesign |
EvaluateErrorModelDerivatives | Evaluate the error model derivatives. |
EvaluateFisherMatrix | Evaluate the Fisher matrix ( population, individual and... |
EvaluateModel | Evaluate a model. |
EvaluateVarianceFIM | Evaluate the variance of the Fisher information matrix. |
EvaluateVarianceModel | Evaluate the variance of a model. |
Evaluation-class | Class "Evaluation" |
FedorovWynnAlgorithm-class | Class "FedorovWynnAlgorithm" |
FedorovWynnAlgorithm_Rcpp | Fedorov-Wynn algorithm in Rcpp. |
Fim-class | Class "Fim" |
fisher.simplex | Compute the fisher.simplex |
fun.amoeba | function fun.amoeba |
generateFimsFromConstraints | Generate the fim from the constraints |
generateReportEvaluation | Generate the report for the evaluation |
generateReportOptimization | Generate report for the optimization. |
generateSamplingsFromSamplingConstraints | Generate samplings from sampling constraints |
generateTables | Generate the tables for the report. |
getAdjustedGradient | getAdjustedGradient |
getAdministration | getAdministration |
getAdministrationConstraint | getAdministrationConstraint |
getAdministrations | getAdministrations |
getAdministrationsConstraints | getAdministrationsConstraints |
getArms | Get the arms of an object. |
getcError | Get the parameter c. |
getColumnAndParametersNamesFIM | Get the names of the names of the parameters associated to... |
getColumnAndParametersNamesFIMInLatex | Get the names of the names of the parameters associated to... |
getConditionNumberFixedEffects | Get the condition number of the matrix of the fixed effects. |
getConditionNumberVarianceEffects | Get the condition number of the matrix of the variance... |
getContent | Get content of a library of models. |
getCorrelationMatrix | Get the correlation matrix. |
getDataFrameResults | Get the dataframe of the results. |
getDcriterion | Get the D criterion of the fim. |
getDelta | Get the parameter delta |
getDerivatives | Get the derivatives of the model error equation. |
getDescription | Get the description of a model. |
getDesigns | Get the designs. |
getDeterminant | Get the determinant of the fim. |
getDistribution | Get the distribution. |
getDose | getDose |
getEigenValues | Get the eigenvalues of the fim. |
getElementaryProtocols | Get the elementary protocols. |
getEquation | Get the equation of a model error. |
getEquations | Get the equations of a model. |
getEquationsAfterInfusion | Get the equations after infusion. |
getEquationsDuringInfusion | Get the equations during infusion. |
getEvaluationFIMResults | Get the results of the evaluation. |
getEvaluationInitialDesignResults | Get the evaluation results of the initial design. |
getFim | getFim |
getFisherMatrix | Get the FIM. |
getFixedEffects | Get the matrix of fixed effects. |
getFixedMu | Get the fixed effect. |
getFixedOmega | Get the fixed variance. |
getFixedParameters | Get the fixed parameters. |
getFixedTimes | Get the fixed sampling times. |
getInitialConditions | getInitialConditions |
getIterationAndCriteria | Get the iteration with the convergence criteria. |
getLambda | Get the parameter lambda. |
getLibraryPDModels | Get the library of PD models. |
getLibraryPKModels | Get the library of PK models. |
getMinSampling | Get the minimal sampling times. |
getModel | Get the model. |
getModelEquations | Get the model equations. |
getModelError | Get the model error. |
getModelErrorParametersValues | Get the values of the model error parameters. |
getModelFromLibrary | Get a model from the library of models. |
getModelParameters | Get the model parameters. |
getModelParametersValues | Get the values of the model parameters. |
getMu | getMu |
getName | getName |
getNames | getNames |
getNumberOfArms | getNumberOfArms |
getNumberOfIterations | Get the number of iterations. |
getNumberOfParameters | Get the number of parameters. |
getNumberOfsamplingsOptimisable | Get the number of sampling times that are optimisable. |
getNumberOfTimesByWindows | Get the number of sampling times by windows. |
getOdeSolverParameters | getOdeSolverParameters |
getOmega | Get the matrix omega of an object. |
getOptimalDesign | Get the optimal design. |
getOptimalFrequencies | Get the optimal frequencies |
getOptimalWeights | Get the optimal weights. |
getOptimizationResults | Get the optimization results. |
getOptimizer | Get the optimization algorithm. |
getOptimizerParameters | Get the optimization parameters. |
getOutcome | getOutcome |
getOutcomes | Get the outcomes of a model. |
getOutcomesEvaluation | getOutcomesEvaluation |
getOutcomesForEvaluation | Get the outcomes of a model used for the evaluation (is... |
getOutcomesGradient | getOutcomesGradient |
getParameters | Get the parameters of an object. |
getPDModel | Get a PD model. |
getPKModel | Get a PK model. |
getPKPDModel | Get a PKPD model. |
getPlotOptions | Get the plot options for graphs responses and SI |
getProportionsOfSubjects | Get the proportion of subjects. |
getRSE | Get the RSE |
getSamplings | Get the sampling of an object. |
getSamplingsWindows | Get the windows for the sampling times. |
getSamplingTime | getSamplingTime |
getSamplingTimeConstraint | getSamplingTimeConstraint |
getSamplingTimes | getSamplingTimes |
getSamplingTimesConstraints | getSamplingTimesConstraints |
getSE | Get the SE. |
getShrinkage | Get the shrinkage. |
getSigmaInter | Get the parameter sigma inter. |
getSigmaSlope | Get the parameter sigma slope. |
getSize | getSize |
getTau | getTau |
getTimeDose | getTimeDose |
getTinf | Get the infusion duration. |
getVarianceEffects | Get the matrix of the variance effects. |
IndividualFim-class | Class "Fim" |
isDoseInEquations | Test if the dose is in the equations of the model. |
isModelAnalytic | Test if a mode is analytic. |
isModelBolus | Test if a mode is bolus. |
isModelInfusion | Test if a mode is infusion |
isModelODE | Test if a mode is ode. |
isModelSteadyState | Test if a mode is steady state. |
LibraryOfModels-class | Class "LibraryOfModels" |
LibraryOfPDModels | Library of the PK models |
LibraryOfPKModels | Library of the PK models |
LibraryOfPKPDModels-class | Class "LibraryOfPKPDModels" |
LogNormal-class | Class "LogNormal" |
ModelAnalyticBolus-class | Class "ModelAnalyticBolus" |
ModelAnalyticBolusSteadyState-class | Class "ModelAnalyticBolusSteadyState" |
ModelAnalytic-class | Class "ModelAnalytic" |
ModelAnalyticInfusion-class | Class "ModelAnalyticInfusion" |
ModelAnalyticInfusionSteadyState-class | Class "ModelAnalyticInfusionSteadyState" |
ModelAnalyticSteadyState-class | Class "ModelAnalyticSteadyState" |
ModelBolus-class | Class "ModelBolus" |
Model-class | Class "Model" |
ModelError-class | Class "ModelError" representing a Model error. |
ModelInfusion-class | Class "ModelInfusion" |
ModelODEBolus-class | Class "ModelODEBolus" |
ModelODE-class | Class "ModelODE" |
ModelODEDoseInEquations-class | Class "ModelODEDoseInEquations" |
ModelODEDoseNotInEquations-class | Class "ModelODEDoseNotInEquations" |
ModelODEInfusion-class | Class "ModelODEInfusion" |
ModelODEInfusionDoseInEquations-class | Class "ModelODEInfusionDoseInEquations" |
ModelParameter-class | Class "ModelParameter" |
MultiplicativeAlgorithm-class | Class "MultiplicativeAlgorithm" |
MultiplicativeAlgorithm_Rcpp | Function MultiplicativeAlgorithm_Rcpp |
Normal-class | Class "Normal" |
OptimizationAlgorithm-class | Class "OptimizationAlgorithm" |
Optimization-class | Class "Optimization" |
optimize | Optimize a design. |
parametersForComputingGradient | Define the parameters for computing the gradients of a model. |
PFIM-package | Fisher Information matrix for design evaluation/optimization... |
PFIMProject-class | Class "PFIMProject" |
PGBOAlgorithm-class | Class "PGBOAlgorithm" |
plotEvaluation | Graphs of the results of the evaluation. |
PlotEvaluation-class | Class "PlotEvaluation" |
plotFrequencies | Graph of the frequencies for the FW algorithm. |
plotOutcomesEvaluation | plotOutcomesEvaluation |
plotOutcomesGradient | plotOutcomesGradient |
plotRSE | Graph of the RSE. |
plotSE | Graph the SE. |
plotSensitivityIndice | Graphs of the results of the evaluation. |
plotShrinkage | Graph of the shrinkage. |
plotWeights | Graph of the weights for the multiplicative algorithm. |
PopulationFim-class | Class "PopulationFim" |
Proportional-class | Class "Proportional" |
PSOAlgorithm-class | Class "PSOAlgorithm" |
Report | Report |
reportTablesAdministration | reportTablesAdministration |
reportTablesDesign | reportTablesDesign |
reportTablesFIM | Generate the tables for the report. |
reportTablesModelError | Generate the tables for model errors for the evaluation... |
reportTablesModelParameters | Generate the tables for model parameters for the evaluation... |
reportTablesPlot | reportTablesPlot |
reportTablesSamplingConstraints | reportTablesSamplingConstraints |
resizeFisherMatrix | Resize the fisher Matrix from a vector to a matrix. |
run | run |
SamplingTimeConstraints-class | Class "SamplingTimeConstraints" |
SamplingTimes-class | Class "SamplingTimes" |
setAdministrations | setAdministrations |
setArm | setArm |
setArms | Set the arms of an object. |
setcError | Set the parameter c. |
setContent | Set content of a library of models. |
setDerivatives | Set the derivatives of the model error equation. |
setDescription | Set the description of a model. |
setDesigns | Set the designs. |
setDistribution | Set the distribution. |
setDose | Set the amount of dose |
setEquation | Set the equation of a model error. |
setEquations | Set the equations of a model. |
setEquationsAfterInfusion | Set the equations after infusion. |
setEquationsDuringInfusion | Set the equations during infusion. |
setEvaluationFIMResults | Set the evaluation results. |
setEvaluationInitialDesignResults | Set the evaluation results of the initial design. |
setFim | setFim |
setFimTypeToString | Convert the type of the object fim to a string. |
setFisherMatrix | Set the FIM. |
setFixedEffects | Set the fixed effects. |
setFixedMu | Set the mu as fixed or not. |
setFixedOmega | Set the omega as fixed of not. |
setInitialConditions | setInitialConditions |
setIterationAndCriteria | Set the iteration with the convergence criteria. |
setModel | Set the model. |
setModelError | Set the model error. |
setModelFromLibrary | Set a model from the library of model |
setMu | Set the value of the fixed effect mu of an object. |
setName | Set the name of an object. |
setNumberOfArms | setNumberOfArms |
setOdeSolverParameters | Set the parameters of the ode solver. |
setOmega | Set the matrix omega of an object. |
setOptimalDesign | Set the optimal design. |
setOptimalWeights | Set the optimal weights. |
setOptimizationResults | Set the optimization results. |
setOutcome | setOutcome |
setOutcomes | Set the outcomes of a model. |
setOutcomesEvaluation | setOutcomesEvaluation |
setOutcomesForEvaluation | Set the outcomes of a model used for the evaluation (is... |
setOutcomesGradient | setOutcomesGradient |
setParameters | Set the parameters of an object. |
setSamplingConstraintForOptimization | setSamplingConstraintForOptimization |
setSamplings | Set the sampling times. |
setSamplingTime | setSamplingTime |
setSamplingTimes | setSamplingTimes |
setSamplingTimesConstraints | setSamplingTimesConstraints |
setShrinkage | Set the shrinkage. |
setSigmaInter | Set the parameter sigma inter. |
setSigmaSlope | Set the parameter sigma slope. |
setSize | setSize |
setTau | setTau |
setTimeDose | setTimeDose |
setTinf | Set the infusion duration. |
setVarianceEffects | Set the matrix of the variance effects. |
show | show |
SimplexAlgorithm-class | Class "SimplexAlgorithm" |
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