Man pages for PSAgraphics
Propensity Score Analysis Graphics

bal.cs.psaBalance for Categorical Covariate: Random Strata as part of a...
bal.fe.psaFisher's Exact Test for Independence of Treatments within...
bal.ks.psaKolgomorov-Smirnov 2 sample tests for multiple strata for Continuous Covariate: Random Strata as part of a...
box.psaCompare balance graphically of a continuous covariate as part...
cat.psaCompare balance graphically of a categorical covariate as...
circ.psaGenerates a Propensity Score Assessment Plot
cstrata.psaSupports Multiple Methods for Defining and Visualizing (PS)...
cv.bal.psaMultiple Covariate Balance Assessment Plot
cv.trans.psaTransformation of Factors to Individual Levels
granova-packageGraphical Analysis of Variance
lindnerData on 996 initial Percutaneous Coronary Interventions...
loess.psaGraphic for data and loess-based estimate of effect size...
PSAgraphics documentation built on March 31, 2023, 5:30 p.m.