PSIMEX-package: SIMEX Algorithm on Pedigree Structures

Description Details Author(s)


Generalization of the SIMEX algorithm from Cook & Stefanski (1994) <doi:10.2307/2290994> for the calculation of inbreeding depression or heritability on pedigree structures affected by missing or misassigned paternities. It simulates errors and tracks the behavior of the estimate as a function of the error proportion. It extrapolates back a true value corresponding to the null error rate.


The DESCRIPTION file: This package was not yet installed at build time.

Index: This package was not yet installed at build time.
~~ An overview of how to use the package, including the most important functions ~~


Erica Ponzi

Maintainer: Erica Ponzi <>

PSIMEX documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:34 p.m.