Man pages for PST
Probabilistic Suffix Trees and Variable Length Markov Chains

cmineMining contexts
cplotPlot single nodes of a probabilistic suffix tree
cprobEmpirical conditional probability distributions of order 'L'
generateGenerate sequences using a probabilistic suffix tree
imputeImpute missing values using a probabilistic suffix tree
logLikLog-Likelihood of a variable length Markov chain model
nobsExtract the number of observations to which a VLMC model is...
nodenamesRetrieve the node labels of a PST
pdistCompute probabilistic divergence between two PST
plot-PSTrPlot a PST
pminePST based pattern mining
ppplotPlotting a branch of a probabilistic suffix tree
pqplotPrediction quality plot
predictCompute the probability of categorical sequences using a...
printPrint method for objects of class 'PSTf' and 'PSTr'
prunePrune a probabilistic suffix tree
PSTf-classFlat representation of a probabilistic suffix tree
PSTr-classNested representation of a probabilistic suffix tree
pstreeBuild a probabilistic suffix tree
queryRetrieve counts or next symbol probability distribution
s1-dataExample sequence data set
SRH-dataLongitudinal data on self rated health
subtreeExtract a subtree from a segmented PST
summarySummary of variable length Markov chain model
tuneAIC, AICc or BIC based model selection
PST documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:50 p.m.