SRH-data: Longitudinal data on self rated health

SRHR Documentation

Longitudinal data on self rated health


Longitudinal data on self rated health from waves 1-11 of the Swiss household panel




SRH is a data frame with 2612 observations on the following 15 variables.


personal identification number


a factor with levels man woman


birth year of the respondent


longitudinal weight

p99c01 ... p09c01

factors with levels:
very well; well; so, so (average); not very well; not well at all

SRH.seq is a TraMineR sequence object created from the SRH data frame using the code in example. States are coded as follows:

G1 (very well)
G2 (well)
M (so, so (average))
B2 (not very well)
B1 (not well at all)


Respondant's self rated health is collected at each yearly wave of the SHP with the following question: How do you feel right now?. Possible answers are: very well; well; so, so (average), not very well and not well at all. The sequences are made of an individual's responses over 11 yearly waves of the SHP, starting with wave 1 in 1999. Variable p99c01 contains the self rated health at wave 1, p00c01 contains the self rated health at wave 2, etc... Note that sequences may contain missing values due to wave or item non response.


Swiss Household Panel:


## Preparing a sequence object with the SRH data set

## Long state labels
state.list <- levels(SRH$p99c01)

## Sequential color palette
mycol5 <- rev(brewer.pal(5, "RdYlGn"))

## Creating the sequence object
SRH.seq <- seqdef(SRH, 5:15, alphabet=state.list, 
	states=c("G1", "G2", "M", "B2", "B1"), labels=state.list, 
	weights=SRH$wp09lp1s, right=NA, cpal=mycol5)
names(SRH.seq) <- 1999:2009

PST documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:50 p.m.

Related to SRH-data in PST...