Man pages for ParallelPC
Paralellised Versions of Constraint Based Causal Discovery Algorithms

cor2The Pearson's correlation test
fci_parallelEstimate a Partial Ancestral Graph using the FCI_parallel...
fci_stableEstimate a PAG, using the FCI_stable algorithm
IDA_parallelEstimate Total Causal Effects using the IDA_parallel...
IDA_stableEstimate Total Causal Effects
jointIDA_directEstimate Total Causal Effects of Joint Interventions
jointIDA_parallelEstimate Total Causal Effects of Joint Interventions
mccorThe Monte Carlo permutation test (mc-cor)
mcmigThe Monte Carlo permutation test (mc-mi-g)
mczfThe Monte Carlo permutation test for Gaussian conditional...
migMutual information test
migshShrinkage estimator for the mutual information (mi-g-sh)
pc_parallelEstimate the Equivalence Class of a DAG using the PC_parallel...
pcSelect_parallelEstimate subgraph around a response variable using...
pcSelect_stableEstimate subgraph around a response variable using pcSelect
pc_stableEstimate the Equivalence Class of a DAG using the PC_stable...
rfci_parallelEstimate a PAG fast using the RFCI_parallel Algorithm
rfci_stableEstimate a PAG using the RFCI_stable Algorithm
skeleton_parallelEstimate (Initial) Skeleton of a DAG.
skeleton_stableEstimate (Initial) Skeleton of a DAG using the PC_stable...
smccorThe sequential Monte Carlo permutation test (smc-cor)
smcmigThe sequential Monte Carlo permutation test (smc-mi-g)
smczfThe sequential Monte Carlo permutation test for Gaussian...
zfGaussian conditional independence test
ParallelPC documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:14 a.m.