#' Expected Loss of a Reinsurance Layer
#' @description Calculates the expected loss of a reinsurance layer for a collective model
#' @param CollectiveModel A collective model object. Currently only \code{PPP_Models} are handled.
#' @param Cover Numeric. Cover of the reinsurance layer. Use \code{Inf} for unlimited layers.
#' @param AttachmentPoint Numeric. Attachment point of the reinsurance layer.
#' @return The expected loss of the layer \code{Cover} xs \code{AttachmentPoint} for the given \code{CollectiveModel}
#' @examples
#' PPPM <- PiecewisePareto_Match_Layer_Losses(Example1_AP, Example1_EL)
#' Example1_Cov <- c(diff(Example1_AP), Inf)
#' Example1_AP
#' Example1_Cov
#' Example1_EL
#' Layer_Mean(PPPM, Example1_Cov, Example1_AP)
#' @export
Layer_Mean <- function(CollectiveModel, Cover = Inf, AttachmentPoint = 0) UseMethod("Layer_Mean")
#' Expected Loss of a Reinsurance Layer
#' @description Calculates the expected loss of a reinsurance layer for a PPP_Model
#' @param CollectiveModel PPP_Model object.
#' @param Cover Numeric. Cover of the reinsurance layer. Use \code{Inf} for unlimited layers.
#' @param AttachmentPoint Numeric. Attachment point of the reinsurance layer.
#' @return The expected loss of the layer \code{Cover} xs \code{AttachmentPoint} for the given \code{CollectiveModel}
#' @examples
#' PPPM <- PiecewisePareto_Match_Layer_Losses(Example1_AP, Example1_EL)
#' Example1_Cov <- c(diff(Example1_AP), Inf)
#' Example1_AP
#' Example1_Cov
#' Example1_EL
#' Layer_Mean(PPPM, Example1_Cov, Example1_AP)
#' @export
Layer_Mean.PPP_Model <- function(CollectiveModel, Cover = Inf, AttachmentPoint = 0) PPP_Model_Exp_Layer_Loss_v(Cover, AttachmentPoint, CollectiveModel)
#' Expected Loss of a Reinsurance Layer
#' @description Calculates the expected loss of a reinsurance layer for a PGP_Model
#' @param CollectiveModel PGP_Model object.
#' @param Cover Numeric. Cover of the reinsurance layer. Use \code{Inf} for unlimited layers.
#' @param AttachmentPoint Numeric. Attachment point of the reinsurance layer.
#' @return The expected loss of the layer \code{Cover} xs \code{AttachmentPoint} for the given \code{CollectiveModel}
#' @examples
#' PGPM <- PGP_Model(2, 1000, 1, 2, dispersion = 2)
#' Example1_Cov <- c(diff(Example1_AP), Inf)
#' Example1_AP
#' Example1_Cov
#' Example1_EL
#' Layer_Mean(PGPM, Example1_Cov, Example1_AP)
#' @export
Layer_Mean.PGP_Model <- function(CollectiveModel, Cover = Inf, AttachmentPoint = 0) PGP_Model_Exp_Layer_Loss_v(Cover, AttachmentPoint, CollectiveModel)
#' Variance of a Reinsurance Layer
#' @description Calculates the variance of the loss in a reinsurance layer for a collective model
#' @param CollectiveModel A collective model object. Currently only \code{PPP_Models} are handled.
#' @param Cover Numeric. Cover of the reinsurance layer. Use \code{Inf} for unlimited layers.
#' @param AttachmentPoint Numeric. Attachment point of the reinsurance layer.
#' @return The variance of the loss in the layer \code{Cover} xs \code{AttachmentPoint} for the given \code{CollectiveModel}
#' @examples
#' PPPM <- PiecewisePareto_Match_Layer_Losses(Example1_AP, Example1_EL)
#' Example1_Cov <- c(diff(Example1_AP), Inf)
#' Layer_Var(PPPM, Example1_Cov, Example1_AP)
#' @export
Layer_Var <- function(CollectiveModel, Cover = Inf, AttachmentPoint = 0) UseMethod("Layer_Var")
#' Variance of a Reinsurance Layer
#' @description Calculates the variance of the loss in a reinsurance layer for a PPP_model
#' @param CollectiveModel PPP_Model object.
#' @param Cover Numeric. Cover of the reinsurance layer. Use \code{Inf} for unlimited layers.
#' @param AttachmentPoint Numeric. Attachment point of the reinsurance layer.
#' @return The variance of the loss in the layer \code{Cover} xs \code{AttachmentPoint} for the given \code{CollectiveModel}
#' @examples
#' PPPM <- PiecewisePareto_Match_Layer_Losses(Example1_AP, Example1_EL)
#' Example1_Cov <- c(diff(Example1_AP), Inf)
#' Layer_Var(PPPM, Example1_Cov, Example1_AP)
#' @export
Layer_Var.PPP_Model <- function(CollectiveModel, Cover = Inf, AttachmentPoint = 0) PPP_Model_Layer_Var_v(Cover, AttachmentPoint, CollectiveModel)
#' Variance of a Reinsurance Layer
#' @description Calculates the variance of the loss in a reinsurance layer for a PGP_model
#' @param CollectiveModel PGP_Model object.
#' @param Cover Numeric. Cover of the reinsurance layer. Use \code{Inf} for unlimited layers.
#' @param AttachmentPoint Numeric. Attachment point of the reinsurance layer.
#' @return The variance of the loss in the layer \code{Cover} xs \code{AttachmentPoint} for the given \code{CollectiveModel}
#' @examples
#' PGPM <- PGP_Model(2, 1000, 1, 2, dispersion = 2)
#' Example1_Cov <- c(diff(Example1_AP), Inf)
#' Layer_Var(PGPM, Example1_Cov, Example1_AP)
#' @export
Layer_Var.PGP_Model <- function(CollectiveModel, Cover = Inf, AttachmentPoint = 0) PGP_Model_Layer_Var_v(Cover, AttachmentPoint, CollectiveModel)
#' Standard Deviation of a Reinsurance Layer
#' @description Calculates the standard deviation of the loss in a reinsurance layer for a collective model
#' @param CollectiveModel A collective model object. Currently only \code{PPP_Models} are handled.
#' @param Cover Numeric. Cover of the reinsurance layer. Use \code{Inf} for unlimited layers.
#' @param AttachmentPoint Numeric. Attachment point of the reinsurance layer.
#' @return The standard deviation of the loss in the layer \code{Cover} xs \code{AttachmentPoint} for the given \code{CollectiveModel}
#' @examples
#' PPPM <- PiecewisePareto_Match_Layer_Losses(Example1_AP, Example1_EL)
#' Example1_Cov <- c(diff(Example1_AP), Inf)
#' Layer_Sd(PPPM, Example1_Cov, Example1_AP)
#' @export
Layer_Sd <- function(CollectiveModel, Cover = Inf, AttachmentPoint = 0) UseMethod("Layer_Sd")
#' Standard Deviation of a Reinsurance Layer
#' @description Calculates the standard deviation of the loss in a reinsurance layer for a PPP_model
#' @param CollectiveModel PPP_Model object.
#' @param Cover Numeric. Cover of the reinsurance layer. Use \code{Inf} for unlimited layers.
#' @param AttachmentPoint Numeric. Attachment point of the reinsurance layer.
#' @return The standard deviation of the loss in the layer \code{Cover} xs \code{AttachmentPoint} for the given \code{CollectiveModel}
#' @examples
#' PPPM <- PiecewisePareto_Match_Layer_Losses(Example1_AP, Example1_EL)
#' Example1_Cov <- c(diff(Example1_AP), Inf)
#' Layer_Sd(PPPM, Example1_Cov, Example1_AP)
#' @export
Layer_Sd.PPP_Model <- function(CollectiveModel, Cover = Inf, AttachmentPoint = 0) PPP_Model_Layer_Sd_v(Cover, AttachmentPoint, CollectiveModel)
#' Standard Deviation of a Reinsurance Layer
#' @description Calculates the standard deviation of the loss in a reinsurance layer for a PGP_model
#' @param CollectiveModel PGP_Model object.
#' @param Cover Numeric. Cover of the reinsurance layer. Use \code{Inf} for unlimited layers.
#' @param AttachmentPoint Numeric. Attachment point of the reinsurance layer.
#' @return The standard deviation of the loss in the layer \code{Cover} xs \code{AttachmentPoint} for the given \code{CollectiveModel}
#' @examples
#' PGPM <- PGP_Model(2, 1000, 1, 2, dispersion = 2)
#' Example1_Cov <- c(diff(Example1_AP), Inf)
#' Layer_Sd(PGPM, Example1_Cov, Example1_AP)
#' @export
Layer_Sd.PGP_Model <- function(CollectiveModel, Cover = Inf, AttachmentPoint = 0) PGP_Model_Layer_Sd_v(Cover, AttachmentPoint, CollectiveModel)
#' Expected Frequency in Excess of a Threshold
#' @description Calculates the expected frequency in excess of a threshold for a collective model
#' @param CollectiveModel A collective model object. Currently only \code{PPP_Models} are handled.
#' @param x Numeric. Threshold.
#' @return The expected frequency in excess of \code{x} for the given \code{CollectiveModel}
#' @examples
#' PPPM <- PiecewisePareto_Match_Layer_Losses(Example1_AP, Example1_EL)
#' Excess_Frequency(PPPM, c(-Inf, 0, 1000, 2000, 3000, Inf))
#' @export
Excess_Frequency <- function(CollectiveModel, x = 0) UseMethod("Excess_Frequency")
#' Expected Frequency in Excess of a Threshold
#' @description Calculates the expected frequency in excess of a threshold for a PPP_model
#' @param CollectiveModel PPP_Model object.
#' @param x Numeric. Threshold.
#' @return The expected frequency in excess of \code{x} for the given \code{CollectiveModel}
#' @examples
#' PPPM <- PiecewisePareto_Match_Layer_Losses(Example1_AP, Example1_EL)
#' Excess_Frequency(PPPM, c(-Inf, 0, 1000, 2000, 3000, Inf))
#' @export
Excess_Frequency.PPP_Model <- function(CollectiveModel, x = 0) PPP_Model_Excess_Frequency_v(x, CollectiveModel)
#' Expected Frequency in Excess of a Threshold
#' @description Calculates the expected frequency in excess of a threshold for a PGP_model
#' @param CollectiveModel PGP_Model object.
#' @param x Numeric. Threshold.
#' @return The expected frequency in excess of \code{x} for the given \code{CollectiveModel}
#' @examples
#' PGPM <- PGP_Model(2, 1000, 1, 2, dispersion = 2)
#' Excess_Frequency(PGPM, c(-Inf, 0, 1000, 2000, 3000, Inf))
#' @export
Excess_Frequency.PGP_Model <- function(CollectiveModel, x = 0) PGP_Model_Excess_Frequency_v(x, CollectiveModel)
#' Simulate Losses with a Collective Model
#' @description Simulates losses with a collective model
#' @param CollectiveModel A collective model object. Currently only \code{PPP_Models} are handled.
#' @param nyears Integer. Number of simulated years.
#' @return A matrix where row k contains the simulated losses of the kth simulated year.
#' @examples
#' PPPM <- PiecewisePareto_Match_Layer_Losses(c(1000, 2000, 3000), c(2000, 1000, 500),
#' truncation = 10000, truncation_type = "wd")
#' Simulate_Losses(PPPM, 100)
#' @export
Simulate_Losses <- function(CollectiveModel, nyears = 1) UseMethod("Simulate_Losses")
#' Simulate Losses with a PPP_Model
#' @description Simulates losses with a PPP_Model
#' @param CollectiveModel PPP_Model object.
#' @param nyears Integer. Number of simulated years.
#' @return A matrix where row k contains the simulated losses of the kth simulated year.
#' @examples
#' PPPM <- PiecewisePareto_Match_Layer_Losses(c(1000, 2000, 3000), c(2000, 1000, 500),
#' truncation = 10000, truncation_type = "wd")
#' Simulate_Losses(PPPM, 100)
#' @export
Simulate_Losses.PPP_Model <- function(CollectiveModel, nyears = 1) {
if (!is.valid.PPP_Model(CollectiveModel)) {
warning(is.valid.PPP_Model(CollectiveModel, comment = TRUE))
if (!is.positive.finite.number(nyears)) {
warning("nyears must be a positive number.")
} else {
nyears <- ceiling(nyears)
claim_count <- rPanjer(nyears, CollectiveModel$FQ, CollectiveModel$dispersion)
claims <- rPiecewisePareto(sum(claim_count), CollectiveModel$t, CollectiveModel$alpha, CollectiveModel$truncation, CollectiveModel$truncation_type)
result <- matrix(NaN, nrow = nyears, ncol = max(claim_count))
result[col(result) <= claim_count] <- claims
#' Simulate Losses with a PGP_Model
#' @description Simulates losses with a PGP_Model
#' @param CollectiveModel PGP_Model object.
#' @param nyears Integer. Number of simulated years.
#' @return A matrix where row k contains the simulated losses of the kth simulated year.
#' @examples
#' PGPM <- PGP_Model(2, 1000, 1, 2, dispersion = 2)
#' Simulate_Losses(PGPM, 100)
#' @export
Simulate_Losses.PGP_Model <- function(CollectiveModel, nyears = 1) {
if (!is.valid.PGP_Model(CollectiveModel)) {
warning(is.valid.PGP_Model(CollectiveModel, comment = TRUE))
if (!is.positive.finite.number(nyears)) {
warning("nyears must be a positive number.")
} else {
nyears <- ceiling(nyears)
claim_count <- rPanjer(nyears, CollectiveModel$FQ, CollectiveModel$dispersion)
claims <- rGenPareto(sum(claim_count), alpha_ini = CollectiveModel$alpha_ini, alpha_tail = CollectiveModel$alpha_tail, t = CollectiveModel$t, truncation = CollectiveModel$truncation)
result <- matrix(NaN, nrow = nyears, ncol = max(claim_count))
result[col(result) <= claim_count] <- claims
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