Man pages for PoisBinOrdNor
Data Generation with Poisson, Binary, Ordinal and Normal Components

corr.nn4bbFinds the tetrachoric correlation based on user-specified...
corr.nn4bnFinds the biserial correlation given the correlation for a...
corr.nn4onFinds polyserial correlation for given the correlation for an...
corr.nn4pboFinds the underlying bivariate normal correlation given the...
corr.nn4pnFinds the underlying bivariate normal correlation given the...
corr.nn4ppFinds the underlying bivariate normal correlation given the...
genPBONdataGenerates correlated data with multiple count, binary,...
intermatCalculates and assembles the intermediate correlation matrix...
PoisBinOrdNor-packageData Generation with Count, Binary, Ordinal and Normal...
validation.specsValidates user-specified parameters
PoisBinOrdNor documentation built on March 22, 2021, 9:08 a.m.