poly_orth_general: General Orthogonal Polynomials

View source: R/Orthogonal_polynomials.R

poly_orth_generalR Documentation

General Orthogonal Polynomials


Generate sets of polynomials orthogonal with respect to a general inner product. The inner product is specified by an R function of (at least) two polynomial arguments.


poly_orth_general(inner_product, degree, norm = FALSE, ...)

Hermite(p, q = p)

Legendre(p, q = p)

ChebyshevT(p, q = p)

ChebyshevU(p, q = p)

Jacobi(p, q = p, alpha = -0.5, beta = alpha)

Discrete(p, q = p, x, w = function(x, ...) 1, ...)



An R function of two "polynom" arguments with the second polynomial having a default value equal to the first. Additional arguments may be specified. See examples


A non-negative integer specifying the maximum degree


Logical: should the polynomials be normalized?


additional arguments passed on to the inner product function

p, q


alpha, beta

Family parameters for the Jacobi polynomials


numeric vector defining discrete orthogonal polynomials


a weight function for discrete orthogonal polynomials


Discrete orthogonal polynomials, equally or unequally weighted, are included as special cases. See the Discrete inner product function.

Computations are done using the recurrence relation with computed coefficients. If the algebraic expressions for these recurrence relation coefficients are known the computation can be made much more efficient.


A "polylist" object containing the orthogonal set


(P0 <- poly_orth(0:5, norm = FALSE))
(P1 <- poly_orth_general(Discrete, degree = 5, x = 0:5, norm = FALSE))
sapply(P0-P1, function(x) max(abs(coef(x))))  ## visual check for equality
(P0 <- poly_orth_general(Legendre, 5))
   ### should be same as P0, up to roundoff
(P1 <- poly_orth_general(Jacobi, 5, alpha = 0, beta = 0))
                ### check
sapply(P0-P1, function(x) max(abs(coef(x))))

PolynomF documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:06 p.m.