Man pages for PredictABEL
Assessment of Risk Prediction Models

ExampleDataA hypothetical dataset that is used to demonstrate all...
ExampleModelsAn example code to construct a risk model using logistic...
fitLogRegModelFunction to fit a logistic regression model.
ORmultivariateFunction to obtain multivariate odds ratios from a logistic...
plotCalibrationFunction for calibration plot and Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness of...
plotDiscriminationBoxFunction for box plots of predicted risks separately for...
plotPredictivenessCurveFunction for predictiveness curve.
plotPriorPosteriorRiskFunction to plot posterior risks against prior risks.
plotRiskDistributionFunction to plot histogram of risks separated for individuals...
plotRiskscorePredriskFunction to plot predicted risks against risk scores.
plotROCFunction for a receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC)...
PredictABEL-packageAn R package for the analysis of (genetic) risk prediction...
predRiskFunction to compute predicted risks for all individuals in...
reclassificationFunction for reclassification table and statistics.
riskScoreFunction to compute genetic risk scores.
simulatedDatasetFunction to construct a simulated dataset containing...
PredictABEL documentation built on March 13, 2020, 3:15 a.m.