Man pages for PsychWordVec
Word Embedding Research Framework for Psychological Science

as_embedWord vectors data class: 'wordvec' and 'embed'.
cosine_similarityCosine similarity/distance between two vectors.
data_transformTransform plain text of word vectors into 'wordvec'...
data_wordvec_loadLoad word vectors data ('wordvec' or 'embed') from ".RData"...
data_wordvec_subsetExtract a subset of word vectors data (with S3 methods).
demodataDemo data (pre-trained using word2vec on Google News; 8000...
dict_expandExpand a dictionary from the most similar words.
dict_reliabilityReliability analysis and PCA of a dictionary.
get_wordvecExtract word vector(s).
most_similarFind the Top-N most similar words.
normalizeNormalize all word vectors to the unit length 1.
orth_procrustesOrthogonal Procrustes rotation for matrix alignment.
pair_similarityCompute a matrix of cosine similarity/distance of word pairs.
plot_networkVisualize a (partial correlation) network graph of words.
plot_similarityVisualize cosine similarity of word pairs.
plot_wordvecVisualize word vectors.
plot_wordvec_tSNEVisualize word vectors with dimensionality reduced using...
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
sum_wordvecCalculate the sum vector of multiple words.
tab_similarityTabulate cosine similarity/distance of word pairs.
test_RNDRelative Norm Distance (RND) analysis.
test_WEATWord Embedding Association Test (WEAT) and Single-Category...
text_initInstall required Python modules in a new conda environment...
text_model_downloadDownload pre-trained language models from HuggingFace.
text_model_removeRemove downloaded models from the local .cache folder.
text_to_vecExtract contextualized word embeddings from transformers...
text_unmask<Deprecated> Fill in the blank mask(s) in a query (sentence).
tokenizeTokenize raw text for training word embeddings.
train_wordvecTrain static word embeddings using the Word2Vec, GloVe, or...
PsychWordVec documentation built on Sept. 27, 2023, 5:08 p.m.