Man pages for QCA
Qualitative Comparative Analysis

calibrateCalibrate raw data to crisp or fuzzy sets
causalChainPerform CNA - coincidence analysis using QCA
chartFunctionsCreate and solve a prime implicants chart
complexityNumber of combinations at a given complexity layer
CVEthnic protest in Europe
findRowsFind untenable configurations
findThFind calibration thresholds
fuzzyopsLogical operations
generateGenerate a custom data structure
implicantMatrixFunctionsFunctions Related to the Implicant Matrix
LegacyDatasetsLegacy datasets
LipsetLipset's indicators for the survival of democracy during the...
minimizeMinimize a truth table
modelFitTheory evaluation
NFClass voting in post-World War era
pofCalculate parameters of fit
QCA_internalInternal Functions
QCA_packageQCA: A Package for Qualitative Comparative Analysis
retentionCompute the retention probability of a csQCA solution
RSUniversity recognition of a graduate student union
runGUIrun the GUI shiny app for the QCA package
subsetsAndSupersetsFunctions to find subsets or supersets
truthTableCreate a truth table
XplotDisplay the distribution of points for a single condition
XYplotCreate an XY plot
QCA documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:28 a.m.