Man pages for QGglmm
Estimate Quantitative Genetics Parameters from Generalised Linear Mixed Models

QGglmm-packageEstimate Quantitative Genetics Parameters from Generalised...
QGiccIntra - Class Correlation coefficients (ICC) on the observed...
QGlink.funcsList of functions according to a distribution and a link...
QGmeanCompute the phenotypic mean on the observed scale
QGmviccIntra - Class Correlation coefficients (ICC) on the observed...
QGmvmeanCompute the multivariate phenotypic mean on the observed...
QGmvparamsQuantitative Genetics parameters from GLMM estimates...
QGmvpredPredict the evolutionary response to selection on the...
QGmvpsiCompute a multivariate "Psi" (used to compute the additive...
QGparamsQuantitative Genetics parameters from GLMM estimates.
QGpredPredict the evolutionary response to selection on the...
QGpsiCompute "Psi" (used to compute the additive genetic variance...
QGvar.distCompute the distribution variance
QGvar.expCompute the variance of expected values (i.e. the latent...
QGvcovCompute the phenotypic variance-covariance matrix on the...
QGglmm documentation built on Jan. 7, 2020, 5:06 p.m.