
# @RdocPackage R.methodsS3
# \description{
#  @eval "packageDescription('R.methodsS3')$Description"
#  This contents of this package originates from the 
#  \bold{R.oo} package [1].
# }
# \section{Installation and updates}{
#   To install this package do\cr
#   \code{install.packages("R.methodsS3")}
#   To get the "devel" version, see
#   \url{https://github.com/HenrikBengtsson/R.methodsS3/}.
# }
# \section{Dependencies and other requirements}{
#   This package only requires a standard \R installation.
# }
# \section{To get started}{
#   To get started, see:
#   \enumerate{
#     \item @see "setMethodS3" - Simple and safe creation of S3 methods
#         and, whenever needed,  automatic creation of S3 generic function.
#   }
# } 
# \section{Further readings}{
#   For a detailed introduction to the package, see [1].
# }
# \section{How to cite this package}{
#   Whenever using this package, please cite [1] as\cr
#   @howtocite "R.methodsS3"
# }
# @author
# \section{License}{
#   The releases of this package is licensed under 
#   LGPL version 2.1 or newer.
# }
# \references{
#  [1] @include "../incl/BengtssonH_2003.bib.Rdoc" \cr
# }

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R.methodsS3 documentation built on June 14, 2022, 1:06 a.m.