RAMpath: Structural Equation Modeling Using the Reticular Action Model (RAM) Notation

We rewrite of RAMpath software developed by John McArdle and Steven Boker as an R package. In addition to performing regular SEM analysis through the R package lavaan, RAMpath has unique features. First, it can generate path diagrams according to a given model. Second, it can display path tracing rules through path diagrams and decompose total effects into their respective direct and indirect effects as well as decompose variance and covariance into individual bridges. Furthermore, RAMpath can fit dynamic system models automatically based on latent change scores and generate vector field plots based upon results obtained from a bivariate dynamic system. Starting version 0.4, RAMpath can conduct power analysis for both univariate and bivariate latent change score models.

Package details

AuthorZhiyong Zhang, Jack McArdle, Aki Hamagami, & Kevin Grimm
MaintainerZhiyong Zhang <zzhang4@nd.edu>
URL https://nd.psychstat.org
Package repositoryView on CRAN
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:

Try the RAMpath package in your browser

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RAMpath documentation built on Aug. 27, 2023, 5:06 p.m.