Man pages for RCALI
Calculation of the Integrated Flow of Particles Between Polygons

as.polyCreate an object of class 'poly'
califloppCalculation of the Integrated Flow of Particles between...
crlistpolyCreate an object of class 'listpoly' from objects of class...
crpolyCreate un object of class 'poly' by clicking on points
exportGeneric for 'export'
export.defaultexport.default method
export.listpolyCreate a polygons file in format 1.
fpollenIndividual pollen dispersion function
fseedIndividual seed dispersion function
generPolyGenerate a regular grid of polygons
generVoisGenerate the neighbors of each polygon of a regular grid
getResRead a result-file of 'califlopp'
listpoly-classClass 'listpoly'
plot.listpolyPlot of an object of class 'listpoly'
plot.polyPlot of an object of class 'poly'
poly-classClass 'poly'
range.listpolyRange of the coordinates of an object of class 'listpoly'
RCALI-packageCalculation of the Integrated Flow of Particles Between...
readpoly1Read a polygons file in format 1
readpoly2Read a polygons file in format 2
RCALI documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:28 a.m.