Man pages for RCPA
Consensus Pathway Analysis

downloadGEODownload GEO data
getCePaPathwayCatalogueGet KEGG pathway catalogue (network) for CePa.ORA and...
getCommonDEGenesGet common significant DE genes from multiple DE Analysis...
getCommonPathwaysRetrieve common significant pathways from multiple pathway...
getEntrezAnnotationGet Entrez annotation
getGeneSetsGet gene sets
getSPIAKEGGNetworkGet KEGG pathway network for SPIA method
getSupportedPlatformsGet supported platforms
loadDataLoad data from GitHub
plotBarChartPlot a bar chart of the pathway analysis results
plotDEGeneHeatmapPlot gene heatmap from a SummarizedExperiment object with DE...
plotForestPlot pathway forest plot from pathway/geneset/meta analysis...
plotKEGGMapPlot KEGG map with DE genes
plotMAPlot MA plot from DE analysis results
plotPathwayHeatmapPlot pathways heatmap plot from pathway/geneset/meta analysis...
plotPathwayNetworkPlot a pathway network
plotVennDEPlot Venn diagram from multiple DE Analysis results
plotVennPathwayPlot Venn diagram from multiple pathway analysis results
plotVolcanoDEPlot volcano plot from Pathway analysis results
plotVolcanoPathwayPlot volcano plot from Pathway analysis results
processAffymetrixProcess and normalize affymetrix-based dataset
processAgilentProcess and normalize agilent-based dataset
runConsensusAnalysisPerform Consensus Analysis
runDEAnalysisDifferential expression analysis
runDEMetaAnalysisCombine DE analysis results
runGeneSetAnalysisGene Set Enrichment Analysis
runPathwayAnalysisTopology-based Pathway Analysis
runPathwayMetaAnalysisPerform Meta Analysis
RCPA documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:24 a.m.