
# at suppresses warning pertaining to window function until fixed

library(DBI, warn.conflicts=F)
library(dplyr, warn.conflicts=F)
library(dbplyr, warn.conflicts=F)

test <- data.frame(values = c(1,4,30,23.2,12,4,7,4,1,0,12,3))


#test_that("var aggregation", {
#  con <- getRealConnection()
#  dbWriteTable(con, tblname, test, overwrite=T)
#  result <- collect(summarize(tbl(con, tblname), variance = var(values)))
#  expected <- collect(mutate(test, var = var(values)))
#  expect_equal(result, expected)

test_that("custom aggregators translated correctly", {
  trans <- function(x) {
    translate_sql(!!enquo(x), window = FALSE, con = simulate_clickhouse())

  expect_equal(trans(var(x)), sql("varSamp(`x`)"))
  expect_equal(trans(sd(x)), sql("stddevSamp(`x`)"))

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RClickhouse documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:09 a.m.