Man pages for RCzechia
Spatial Objects of the Czech Republic

castiCity Districts
chr_uzemiProtected Natural Areas
dot-downloaderInternal function - generic downloader, used to serve the rds...
dot-ok_to_proceedInternal function - tests availability of internet resources
geocodeGeocode a Czech Address
geomorfoGeomorphological division of the Czech Republic
historieHistorical censuses of the Czech Republic
katastryCadastral Areas
KFME_gridKFME grid cells (faunistické čtverce) of the Czech Republic
krajeRegions (kraje) of the Czech Republic
lesyWoodland Areas
obce_bodyMunicipalities / communes (obce) as centerpoints
obce_polygonyMunicipalities / communes (obce) as polygons
okresyDistricts (okresy)
orp_polygonyObce s rozsirenou pusobnosti
plochyWater Bodies
RCzechia-packageRCzechia: Spatial Objects of the Czech Republic
revgeoReversely Geocode a Czech Address
senat_obvodySenate Districts (Volební obvod pro volby do Senátu) of the...
set_homeSet the local cache directory
silniceRoad Network
unset_homeUnset the local cache directory
volebni_okrskyElection Districts (Volební okrsky) of the Czech Republic
zelezniceRailroad Network
zip_codesZIP Codes of the Czech Republic
RCzechia documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 7:07 a.m.