QueryBuilder: Initialize a QueryBuilder object with the given parameters...

Description Usage Arguments Value See Also


Initialize a QueryBuilder object with the given parameters and perform validation





List of all the Query Parameters. See Init for the entire list


Optional. A start date of the form "YYYY-MM-DD" as a string. If NULL is used, the start.date parameter will be unset. If no parameter is specified, the current start.date value is returned.

@return None The start.date value if start.date.param is not set. Un-set the parameter if the value NULL is used. Sets the end date. Optional. All Analytics feed requests must specify a beginning and ending date range. If you do not indicate start- and end-date values for the request, the server returns a request error. Date values are in the form YYYY-MM-DD. The earliest valid start-date is 2005-01-01. There is no upper limit restriction for a start-date. However, setting a start-date that is too far in the future will most likely return empty results.


A vector of up to 10 metrics, either as a single string or a vector or strings. E.g. "ga:sessions" or c("ga:sessions", "ga:bounces") If NULL is used, the metrics parameter will be unset. If no parameter is specified, the current metrics value is returned.


An advanced segment definition to slice and dice your Analytics data. If NULL is used, the segment parameter will be unset. If no parameter is specified, the current segment value is returned.


The sorting order for the data to be returned. e.g. "ga:sessions" or c("ga:sessions", "-ga:browser") If NULL is used, the sort parameter will be unset. If no parameter is specified, the current sort value is returned.


The filter string for the GA request. e.g. "ga:medium==referral". If NULL is used, the filters parameter will be unset. If no parameter is specified, the current filters value is returned.


Maximum number of entries to include in the data feed. If not specified we return the default of 1000.


The starting point of pagination for results to be returned. If NULL is used, the start.index parameter will be unset. If no parameter is specified, the current start.index value is returned.


This value is the table ID of the profile, e.g "ga:1234". If NULL is used, the table.id parameter will be unset. If no parameter is specified, the current table.id value is returned.








String Direcotry where caching files are stored


Boolean Caching required?

@return None


The builder object to process the query parameters.

Sets the Query Parameters for the Query Builder Object and performs validation

Sets the start date. Optional. All Analytics feed requests must specify a beginning and ending date range. If you do not indicate start- and end-date values for the request, the server returns a request error. Date values are in the form YYYY-MM-DD. The earliest valid start-date is 2005-01-01. There is no upper limit restriction for a start-date. However, setting a start-date that is too far in the future will most likely return empty results.

The metrics value if metrics.param is not set. Sets the segments, see dxp:segment in the Account Feed Response section in the GA literature online. http://code.google.com/apis/analytics/docs/gdata/gdataDeveloperGuide.html

None The segment value if segment.param is not set.

Sets the sorting criteria.

None The sort value if sort.param is not set.

Sets the filters used. Optional. The filters query string parameter restricts the data returned from your request to the Analytics servers. When you use the filters parameter, you supply a dimension or metric you want to filter, followed by the filter expression. For example, the following feed query requests ga:pageviews and ga:browser from profile 12134, where the ga:browser dimension starts with the string Firefox:

None The filters value if filters.param is not set. Sets the maximum number of results to return. Optional. Maximum number of entries to include in this feed. You can use this in combination with start-index to retrieve a subset of elements, or use it alone to restrict the number of returned elements, starting with the first.

If you do not use the max-results parameter in your query, your feed returns the default maximum of 1000 entries.

The Analytics Data Export API returns a maximum of 10,000 entries per request, no matter how many you ask for. It can also return fewer entries than requested, if there aren't as many dimension segments as you expect. For instance, there are fewer than 300 possible values for ga:country, so when segmenting only by country, you can't get more than 300 entries, even if you set max-results to a higher value.

None The max.results value if max.results.param is not set.

Sets the table id for a user. Optional.

None The start.index value if start.index.param is not set.

Sets the table id for a user based on the profile ID entered by the user Optional. The unique table ID used to retrieve the Analytics Report data. We run a series of checks that the form of the data is being correctly entered.

NOTE: This function does not test the table.id is valid from the account profile.

None The table.id value if table.id.param is not set.

Returns whether the Query has all the required parameters set. These are the start.date, end.date, metrics, and table.id parameters.

TRUE if the query has all the required parameters. Otherwise stops the program execution. A function to reset all the data values to NULL, for a new query.f The ClearData() function allows a user to reset the query parameters, (start.date, metrics, etc) back to NULL.

Resets all the query parameters to NULL. Checks whether a valid authorization token exists.

None A stop call if the access_token is not valid or not present.

This function updates the start date in the query builder object

None Sets the Start Date This function updates the end date in the query builder object

None Sets the End Date This function updates the start index in the query builder object

None Sets the Start Index in the Query Builder Object Sets and creates caching directory. If caching is required the caching directory is set up. Default directory ist "cache" in the current working directory.

See Also

http://code.google.com/apis/analytics/docs/gdata/ gdataReferenceDimensionsMetrics.html#validCombinations

NOTE: This method does not check for invalid dimensions or combinations.

@param dimensions.param A vector of up to 7 dimensions, either as a single string or a vector or strings, E.g. "ga:source,ga:medium" or c("ga:source", "ga:medium") If NULL is used, the dimensions parameter will be unset. If no parameter is specified, the current dimension value is returned.

@return None The dimensions value if dimensions.param is not set.

Sets the metrics of interest (clicks, pageviews, etc) Optional. The aggregated statistics for user activity in a profile, such as clicks or pageviews. When queried by alone, metrics provide aggregate values for the requested date range, such as overall pageviews or total bounces. However, when requested with dimensions, values are segmented by the dimension. For example, ga:pageviews requested with ga:country returns the total pageviews per country rather than the total pageviews for the entire profile. When requesting metrics, keep in mind:

Any request must supply at least one metric because a request cannot consist only of dimensions. You can supply a maximum of 10 metrics for any query. Most combinations of metrics from multiple categories can be used together, provided no dimensions are specified. The exception to the above is the ga:visitors metric, which can only be used in combination with a subset of metrics. Any given metric can be used in combination with other dimensions or metrics, but only where Valid Combinations apply for that metric. Metric values are always reported as an aggregate because the Data Export API does not provide calculated metrics. For a list of common calculations based on aggregate metrics.

NOTE: We do check for valid metrics.

RGoogleAnalytics documentation built on May 2, 2019, 8:34 a.m.