Man pages for RHPCBenchmark
Benchmarks for High-Performance Computing Environments

CholeskyAllocatorAllocates and initializes input to the Cholesky factorization...
CholeskyMicrobenchmarkConducts a single performance trial with the Cholesky...
ClaraClusteringMicrobenchmarkConducts a single performance trial with the cluster::clara...
ClusteringAllocatorAllocates and initializes input to the clustering for machine...
ClusteringMicrobenchmarkThis class specifies a clustering for machine learning...
ComputeAverageTimeComputes the average of a vector of performance trial times
ComputeStandardDeviationComputes the standard deviation of a vector of performance...
CrossprodAllocatorAllocates and populates input to the matrix cross product...
CrossprodMicrobenchmarkConducts a single performance trial with the matrix cross...
DeformtransAllocatorAllocates and populates input to the matrix deformation and...
DeformtransMicrobenchmarkConducts a single performance trial with the matrix...
DenseMatrixMicrobenchmarkThis class specifies a dense matrix microbenchmark.
DeterminantAllocatorAllocates and populates input to the matrix determinant dense...
DeterminantMicrobenchmarkConducts a single performance trial with the matrix...
EigenAllocatorAllocates and populates input to the matrix...
EigenMicrobenchmarkConducts a single performance trial with the matrix...
GenerateClusterDataGenerates clusters from multivariate normal distributions
GetClusteringDefaultMicrobenchmarksInitializes the list of default clustering microbenchmarks
GetClusteringExampleMicrobenchmarksInitializes the list of example clustering microbenchmarks
GetConfigurableEnvParameterRetrieves the value of an environment variable referenced by...
GetDenseMatrixDefaultMicrobenchmarksInitializes the list of default dense matrix microbenchmarks
GetDenseMatrixExampleMicrobenchmarksInitializes the list of example dense matrix microbenchmarks
GetNumberOfThreadsRetrieves the number of threads from the environment
GetSparseCholeskyDefaultMicrobenchmarksInitializes the list of default sparse Cholesky factorization...
GetSparseCholeskyExampleMicrobenchmarksInitializes the list of example sparse Cholesky factorization...
GetSparseLuDefaultMicrobenchmarksInitializes the list of default sparse LU factorization...
GetSparseMatrixVectorDefaultMicrobenchmarksInitializes the list of default sparse matrix-vector...
GetSparseMatrixVectorExampleMicrobenchmarksInitializes the list of example sparse matrix-vector...
GetSparseQrDefaultMicrobenchmarksInitializes the list of default sparse QR factorization...
LsfitAllocatorAllocates and populates input to the matrix least squares fit...
LsfitMicrobenchmarkConducts a single performance trial with the matrix least...
MatmatAllocatorAllocates and populates input to the matrix-matrix...
MatmatMicrobenchmarkConducts a single performance trial with the matrix-matrix...
MatvecAllocatorAllocates and populates input to the matrix-vector...
MatvecMicrobenchmarkConducts a single performance trial with the matrix-vector...
MicrobenchmarkClusteringKernelPerforms microbenchmarking of a clustering for machine...
MicrobenchmarkDenseMatrixKernelPerforms microbenchmarking of a dense matrix linear algebra...
MicrobenchmarkSparseMatrixKernelPerforms microbenchmarking of a sparse matrix linear algebra...
PamClusteringMicrobenchmarkConducts a single performance trial with the cluster::pam...
PerformClusteringMicrobenchmarkingPerforms microbenchmarking of machine learning functions...
PerformSparseMatrixKernelMicrobenchmarkingPerforms microbenchmarking of sparse matrix kernels specified...
PrintClusteringMicrobenchmarkResultsPrints results of a clustering for machine learning...
PrintDenseMatrixMicrobenchmarkResultsPrints results of a dense matrix microbenchmark
PrintSparseMatrixMicrobenchmarkResultsPrints results of a sparse matrix microbenchmark
QrAllocatorAllocates and populates input to the QR factorization dense...
QrMicrobenchmarkConducts a single performance trial with the QR factorization...
RHPCBenchmarkRHPCBenchmark: A package for performance testing intrinsic R...
RunDenseMatrixBenchmarkRuns all of the dense matrix microbenchmarks
RunMachineLearningBenchmarkRuns all of the machine learning microbenchmarks
RunSparseMatrixBenchmarkRuns all of the sparse matrix microbenchmarks
SolveAllocatorAllocates and populates input to the dense matrix kernel...
SolveMicrobenchmarkConducts a single performance trial with the dense matrix...
SparseCholeskyAllocatorAllocates and initializes input to the Cholesky factorization...
SparseCholeskyMicrobenchmarkConducts a single performance trial with the Cholesky...
SparseLuAllocatorAllocates and initializes input to the LU factorization...
SparseLuMicrobenchmarkConducts a single performance trial with the LU factorization...
SparseMatrixMicrobenchmarkThis class specifies a sparse matrix microbenchmark.
SparseMatrixVectorAllocatorAllocates and initializes input to the matrix-vector...
SparseMatrixVectorMicrobenchmarkConducts a single performance trial with the matrix-vector...
SparseQrAllocatorAllocates and initializes input to the QR factorization...
SparseQrMicrobenchmarkConducts a single performance trial with the QR factorization...
SvdAllocatorAllocates and populates input to the singular value...
SvdMicrobenchmarkConducts a single performance trial with the singular value...
TransposeAllocatorAllocates and populates input to the matrix transpose dense...
TransposeMicrobenchmarkConducts a single performance trial with the matrix transpose...
WriteClusteringPerformanceResultsCsvAppends performance test results of a clustering...
WriteDenseMatrixPerformanceResultsCsvAppends dense matrix performance test results to a file in...
WriteSparseMatrixPerformanceResultsCsvAppends sparse matrix performance test results to a file in...
RHPCBenchmark documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:40 a.m.