RImpala: A Package to interface R and Impala

Description Details Installation Author(s) References


RImpala-package contains the R functions required to connect, execute queries and retrieve back results from Impala. It uses the rJava package to create a JDBC connection to any of the impala servers running on a Hadoop Cluster.


Package: RImpala
Type: Package
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 2013-09-06
License: file LICENSE


RImpala uses the JDBC drivers provided by Cloudera Impala. We need to install them before we can use the RImpala package. Cloudera provides the JBDC jars on their website that can be downloaded directly.

There are two ways to do this:

A. If you have Cloudera Impala installed on the machine running R then you will have the necessary JDBC jars already in place (probably in "/usr/lib/impala/lib") and you can use them to initiate the connection to Impala.
B. If the machine running R is a different server than the Impala server then you need to download the JDBC jars from https://downloads.cloudera.com/impala-jdbc/impala-jdbc-0.5-2.zip or from the server running Impala and extract it to a location that can be accessed by the R user.

After you have installed the JDBC drivers you can start using the RImpala package.
Have a look at rimpala.init and rimpala.connect to establish connection to Impala.


Vijay Raajaa vijay.raajaa@mu-sigma.com,
Austin Chungath Vincent austin.cv@mu-sigma.com,
Vikas Raguttahalli vikas.r@mu-sigma.com,
Sachin Sudarshana sachin.sudarshana@mu-sigma.com


http://www.cloudera.com/content/cloudera/en/products/cdh/impala.html - Cloudera's page on Impala

RImpala documentation built on May 30, 2017, 4:09 a.m.

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