RLumModel - Models and parameters

knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.pos = 'h', fig.align = 'center')

Models and parameters

The table lists the parameters used in the different models implemented in 'RLumModel'. The tables are automatically extracted from the output of the function .set_pars() to provide a better human-readable output format.

It is common in the published literature to assign descriptive names to the energy levels. Obviously, this labelling is open to interpretation and has nothing carved in stone. Moreover, it depends partly on the model and the authors' understanding.

Although different models are implemented in 'RLumModel', we did not assess whether they are meaningful but implemented them to allow direct comparison. Please remember that the main differences between models narrow down to the assumed concentration of specific levels (for instance, $N$). Sometimes models have different concentration levels underpinned by experiments that were or were not suitable to validate those changes. However, sometimes concentration levels differ because the authors modified them by try and error. Either way, we strongly recommend double-checking the underlying assumption of each model in the original article.

LEVEL |LABEL |DESCRIPTION ----------|-------------------|---------------- trap_1 | 110ºC TL | Electron trap associated with the 110ºC TL peak trap_2 | 230ºC TL | Electron trap associated with the 230ºC TL peak trap_3 | OSL_fast | Electron trap feeding the OSL fast component trap_4 | OSL_medium | Electron trap linked to the OSL medium component (trap_5) | OSL_deep/OSL_slow1| Electron trap linked to the first OSL slow component or the deep OSL trap (trap_6) | OSL_slow2/TT-OSL | Electron trap linked to the second OSL slow component or the TT-OSL trap (trap_7) | OSL_slow3/BT-OSL | Electron trap linked to the third OSL slow component or the BT-OSL trap (trap_8) | OSL_deep | Electron trap linked to the deep OSL trap centre_1 |R1 centre | Reservoir centre 1, non-radiative, thermally unstable centre_2 |R2 centre | Reservoir centre 2, non-radiative, thermally unstable centre_3 |K centre | Killer centre, non-radiative recombination centre centre_4 |L centre | Luminescence centre

The levels given in parentheses change according to the maximum number of levels in the model. For instance, if the model has only five electron traps, level trap_5 is associated with the deep OSL electron trap. However, if the model has traps associated with slow components, as in @Bailey_2001, the OSL deep trap is associated with the trap_8 [cf. @Friedrich_2016].

Please note that, unlike in the table above, the parameter tables below are generated automatically from the models implemented in 'RLumModel'. Therefore the labelling is kept very general.

## get models
models <- .set_pars()[grepl(pattern = "^(?!custom)",.set_pars(), perl = TRUE)]

l <- lapply(models, function(x){
  temp <- .set_pars(x)
  n <- temp$n@data$n
  temp$n <- NULL
  c(temp, list(n = n))


## get the maximum number of number of electron traps 
n_levels <- max(vapply(l, function(x) length(x$B), numeric(1)))
n_trap_max <- max(vapply(l, function(x) sum(x$B == 0), numeric(1)))

##generate matrices
m <- matrix(NA, nrow = n_levels + 2, ncol = length(models))
colnames(m) <- models
rownames(m) <- c(
  paste0("trap_", 1:n_trap_max), 
  paste0("centre_", ((n_trap_max + 1):(nrow(m) - 2) - (n_trap_max))),

## fill matrices
for (p in names(l[[1]])[!names(l[[1]]) %in% c("units", "names","model")]) {
  for (i in 1:length(l)) {
    m[which(l[[i]]$B == 0),i] <- l[[i]][[p]][which(l[[i]]$B == 0)] 
    if (!is.null(l[[i]][[p]])) 
      m[(n_trap_max + 1):(n_trap_max + length(which(l[[i]]$B != 0))),i] <- l[[i]][[p]][which(l[[i]]$B != 0)] 

    if (p == "n")
      m[(nrow(m) - 1):nrow(m),] <- l[[i]][[p]][(length(l[[i]][[p]])-1):length(l[[i]][[p]])]

  ## create data.frame
  df <- as.data.frame(m)

  ## remove all NA rows
  df <- df[rowSums(is.na(m)) != length(models),]

  ## add running number
  df <- cbind(`#` = 1:nrow(df), df)

  ## create table object
  g <- gt::gt(df,rownames_to_stub = TRUE, ) %>%
      title = paste0(p, " (", l[[i]]$units[p],")"), 
      subtitle = l[[i]]$names[p]) %>%
    gt::opt_align_table_header(align = c("left")) %>%
    gt::tab_style(style = list(
      cell_fill(color = "lightyellow"),
      cell_text(weight = "bold")
    locations = cells_body(
      columns = `#`)) %>%
    gt::tab_style(style = list(
      cell_text(weight = "bold")
    locations = gt::cells_column_labels())

  pander::pandoc.header(paste0("Parameter: ", p), level = 2)


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RLumModel documentation built on March 18, 2022, 7:06 p.m.