trace_ParameterStateEvolution: Trace parameter state evolution

View source: R/trace_ParameterStateEvolution.R

trace_ParameterStateEvolutionR Documentation

Trace parameter state evolution


Traces the evolution of the concentrations in the different levels over different simulation steps. For instance, a sequence consisting of one TL and one OSL step has two iterations. For each step the end concentration is extracted. This way, the evolution of the system can be traced throughout a sequence.


trace_ParameterStateEvolution(object, step = NULL, plot = TRUE, ...)



Luminescence::RLum.Analysis (required): input object created by the function model_LuminescenceSignals. The input can be a list of such objects


character (optional): filter the input object to pick particular steps, the input is passed to Luminescence::get_RLum


logical (with default): enables/disables plot output


optional arguments to be passed to control the plot output. Supported are xlim, xlab, ylab, log, col, type, bg, main, norm (TRUE/FALSE), grid (TRUE/FALSE), step_names (TRUE/FALSE) Where meaningful, parameters can be provided as vectors. Vectors short than the number of plots are recycled.


Returns a plot and list with matrix objects of the parameter evolution. If object is a list the output is a nested list

Function version


How to cite

Kreutzer, S., 2022. trace_ParameterStateEvolution(): Trace parameter state evolution. Function version 0.1.0. In: Friedrich, J., Kreutzer, S., Schmidt, C., 2022. RLumModel: Solving Ordinary Differential Equations to Understand Luminescence. R package version 0.2.10.


Sebastian Kreutzer, Geography & Earth Sciences, Aberystwyth University (United Kingdom)


sequence <-
IRR = c(20, 10, 1),
TL = c(20, 400, 5),
IRR = c(20, 10, 1),
TL = c(20, 400, 5))

##model sequence
model.output <- model_LuminescenceSignals(
 sequence = sequence,
 verbose = FALSE,
 plot = FALSE,
 model = "Bailey2001")

## trace

RLumModel documentation built on March 18, 2022, 7:06 p.m.