
Defines functions term_day_dist dtmToSparseMatrix

Documented in term_day_dist

dtmToSparseMatrix <- function(dtm){
  sm = Matrix::spMatrix(nrow(dtm), ncol(dtm), dtm$i, dtm$j, dtm$v)
  rownames(sm) = rownames(dtm)
  colnames(sm) = colnames(dtm)

#' Calculate statistics for term occurence across days
#' @param dtm A quanteda \link[quanteda]{dfm}. Alternatively, a DocumentTermMatrix from the tm package can be used, but then the meta parameter needs to be specified manually
#' @param meta If dtm is a quanteda dfm, docvars(meta) is used by default (meta is NULL) to obtain the meta data. Otherwise, the meta data.frame has to be given by the user, with the rows of the meta data.frame matching the rows of the dtm (i.e. each row is a document)
#' @param date.var The name of the meta column specifying the document date. default is "date". The values should be of type POSIXlt or POSIXct
#' @return A data.frame with statistics for each term.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' tdd = term_day_dist(rnewsflow_dfm, date.var='date')
#' head(tdd)
#' tail(tdd)
term_day_dist <- function(dtm, meta=NULL, date.var='date'){
  if (is.null(meta)) meta = quanteda::docvars(dtm)
  dtm = quanteda::as.dfm(dtm)
  dtm = methods::as(methods::as(dtm, 'generalMatrix'), 'TsparseMatrix')
  if (!date.var %in% colnames(meta)) stop('The name specified in date.var is not a valid dfm docvar')
  document.date = as.Date(meta[[date.var]])
  if (any(is.na(document.date))) {
    message("date contains NA. These documents will be ignored")
    filter = !is.na(document.date)
    dtm = dtm[filter,]
    document.date = document.date[filter]
  cs = Matrix::colSums(dtm)
  if(any(cs == 0)) {
    message("dtm contains empty columns/terms. These will be ignored (and won't appear in the output)")
    filter = Matrix::colSums(dtm) > 0
    dtm = dtm[,filter]
  dateseq = seq.Date(min(document.date), max(document.date), by='days')
  i = document.date[dtm@i+1]
  i = match(i, dateseq)
  m = Matrix::spMatrix(length(dateseq), ncol(dtm), i, dtm@j+1, dtm@x)
  m = methods::as(m, 'CsparseMatrix')
  days.entropy = columnEntropy(m)
  days.n = Matrix::colSums(m>0)

  d = data.frame(term=colnames(dtm),
                 freq = Matrix::colSums(dtm),
                 doc.freq = Matrix::colSums(dtm > 0),
                 days.n = days.n, 
                 days.pct = days.n / length(dateseq),
                 days.entropy = days.entropy, 
                 days.entropy.norm=days.entropy / length(dateseq))
  d$term = as.character(d$term)
  rownames(d) = NULL

#x = rpois(100, 1)
#mean = mean(x)
#sd = sd(x)
#ra = ( mean + sqrt( mean^2 + 4*sd^2 ) ) / ( 2 * sd^2 )
#sh = 1 + mean * ra
#plot(x, dgamma(x, sh, ra))

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