Man pages for RNifti
Fast R and C++ Access to NIfTI Images

asNiftiCreate or modify an NIfTI image object
channelsExtract channels from RGB data
defaultInfoPanelInfo panels for the built-in viewer
ExtensionCodesNIfTI extension codes
extensionsNIfTI extensions
indexingAccess to metadata elements
internalImageInternal images
ndimNumber of dimensions
niftiHeaderDump or construct a raw NIfTI or ANALYZE header
niftiVersionCheck the format version of a file
pixdimPixel dimensions and units
readNiftiRead NIfTI or ANALYZE format files
rgbArrayRGB arrays
viewA basic 3D image viewer
voxelToWorldTransform points between voxel and "world" coordinates
writeNiftiWrite a NIfTI or ANALYZE format file
xformObtain or replace the "xform" transforms for an image
RNifti documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:20 a.m.