Man pages for ROC632
Construction of diagnostic or prognostic scoring system and internal validation of its discriminative capacities based on ROC curve and 0.633+ boostrap resampling.

AUCArea under ROC curve from sensitivities and specificities
boot.ROCConstruction of a diagnostic or prognostic scoring system and...
boot.ROCtConstruction of a prognostic scoring system and estimation of...
DLBCLgenesThe data concerning the gene expressions of the DLBCL...
DLBCLpatientsThe data concerning the clinical information of the DLBCL...
ROCEstimation of the traditional ROC curves (without censoring)
ROC632-packageEstimation of prognostic capacity of microarray data.
ROC632 documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:41 p.m.