Man pages for ROCt
Time-Dependent ROC Curve Estimators and Expected Utility Functions

adjusted.ROCConfounders-Adjusted ROC Curves Without Right Censored Data.
adjusted.ROCtConfounders-Adjusted Time-Dependent ROC Curves With Right...
AUCArea Under ROC Curve From Sensitivities And Specificities.
crude.ROCtTime-Dependent ROC Curves With Right Censored Data.
dataDIVATA Sample Of The DIVAT Cohort (Mortality).
dataKTFSA Sample Of The DIVAT cohort (Kidney Transplant Failure...
EUt1Optimal Cut-Off Estimation Of A Prognostic Marker (Only One...
EUt2Optimal Cut-Off Estimation Of A Prognostic Marker (The Two...
fr.ratetableExpected Mortality Rates Of The General French Population.
net.ROCtNet Time-Dependent ROC Curves With Right Censored Data.
rein.ratetableExpected Mortality Of French Patients With ESKD.
ROCt-packageTime-Dependent ROC Curve Estimators and Expected Utility...
ROCt documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:25 p.m.