
#' Transaction management.
#' `dbBegin()` starts a transaction. `dbCommit()` and `dbRollback()`
#' end the transaction by either committing or rolling back the changes.
#' @param conn a [PqConnection-class] object, produced by
#'   [DBI::dbConnect()]
#' @param ... Unused, for extensibility.
#' @return A boolean, indicating success or failure.
#' @examplesIf postgresHasDefault()
#' library(DBI)
#' con <- dbConnect(RPostgres::Postgres())
#' dbWriteTable(con, "USarrests", datasets::USArrests, temporary = TRUE)
#' dbGetQuery(con, 'SELECT count(*) from "USarrests"')
#' dbBegin(con)
#' dbExecute(con, 'DELETE from "USarrests" WHERE "Murder" > 1')
#' dbGetQuery(con, 'SELECT count(*) from "USarrests"')
#' dbRollback(con)
#' # Rolling back changes leads to original count
#' dbGetQuery(con, 'SELECT count(*) from "USarrests"')
#' dbRemoveTable(con, "USarrests")
#' dbDisconnect(con)
#' @name postgres-transactions

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RPostgres documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:12 a.m.