RQDATables: Data Tables in rqda file

Description Details Author(s)


The internal data table structures in rqda file, which is a SQLite data base.


Table "annotation" contains file annotations.

fid: file id.
position: position of annotation.
annotation: content of annotation.
owner: owner of annotation.
date: created date.
dateM: not used currently.
status: 1 for standard status and 0 for temporarily deleted annotation.

Table "attributes" contains information about the name list of attributes. They are held in the widget of ".AttrNamesWidget".

name: name of attributes.
status: 1 for standard status and 0 for a temporarily deleted attribute.
date: created date of an attribute.
dateM: not used currently.
owner: owner of an attribute.
memo: memo of an attribute. Useful for definition of attributes.
class: class of an attribute. It might be "character" or "numeric".

Table "caseAttr" contains information about attributes of cases.

variable: name of case attributes, corresponding to name in attributes table.
value: variable value.
caseID: corresponding case id of a variable value.
date: created date of a case attribute record.
dateM: not used currently.
owner: creator of the case attribute record.

Table "caselinkage" contains information about the relationship between case and files of case.

caseid: case id.
fid: file id.
selfirst: beginning position of a text segment associated with a case.
selend: ending position of a text segment associated with a case.
status: 1 for standard status and 0 for temporarily deleted record.
owner: creator of the case linkage.
date: date of a created case linkage.
memo: not used currently.

Table "cases" contains information about case list.

name: name of a case.
memo: case memo.
owner: creator of a case.
date: date of creation of a case.
dateM: not used currently.
id: case id.
status: 1 for standard status and 0 for temporarily deleted record.

Table "codecat" contains information about upper-level of code list.

name: name of code category.
cid: not used currently.
catid: id of code category.
owner: creator of code category.
date: date of creation of code category.
dateM: not used currently.
memo: code category memo.
status: 1 for standard status and 0 for temporarily deleted record.

Table "coding" contains information on codings.

cid : code id.
fid : file id.
seltext : a coding, that is the coded text segment.
selfirst : beginning position of the coded text segment.
selend : ending position of the coded text segment.
status : 1 for standard status. 0 for deleted codings (for example when a code is deleted, the status of all associated codings is set to 0) and -1 for unmarked codings.
owner : name of coder or creator of a coding.
date : date of creation of a coding.
memo : coding memo.

Table "fileAttr" contains information about attributes of files.

variable: character, name of file attribute, corresponding to name in attributes table
value: value of the file attribute.
fileID: corresponding file id of the attribute.
date: created date of the file attribute.
dateM: not used currently.
owner: creator of the file attribute.

Table "filecat" contains information on the file categorization.

name: name of the file category.
fid: Not used.
catid: if of file category.
owner: creator of file-category.
date: date of creation of a file category.
dateM: not used currently.
memo: file category memo.
status: 1 for standard status and 0 for temporarily deleted record.

Table "freecode" contains information on the codes list.

name : code name.
memo : code memo.
owner : creator of a code.
date : date of creation of a code.
dateM : not used currently.
id : code id.
status : 1 for standard status and 0 for temporarily deleted record.
color: color for code marker (added in version 0.19)

Table "image" contains information about images. It is not used currently.

Table "imageCoding" contains images coding. It is not used currently.

Table "journal" contains information about field work journal. Journal titles are held in widget of ".JournalNamesWidget".

name: name of a journal.
journal: content of a journal.
date: created date of a journal.
dateM: not used currently.
owner: owner of a journal.
status: 1 for standard status and 0 for temporarily deleted journal.

Table "project" contains information about the project and *.rqda file.

encoding: not used currently.
databaseversion: version of RQDAtables.
date: created date of the project.
dateM: not used currently.
memo: project memo.
BOM: not used currently.
imageDir: directory of image. Not used currently.
about: meta information about the rqda file.

Table "source" contains the content of files. Files are held in widget of ".fnames_rqda".

name: name of the file.
id: id of the file.
file: content of a file.
memo: memo of the file.
owner: creator the the file.
date: the date of the file-import.
dataM: date of last editing of the file content.
status: 1 for standard status and 0 for temporarily deleted file.

The "treecode" table contains information on the codes categorization (relationship between codes and the codecat). They are held in widget of ".CodeCatWidget". Codes of specific category are held in widget of ".CodeofCat".

cid: code id.
catid: code category id.
date: date of creation of a code categorization.
dateM: not used currently.
memo: not used currently.
status: 1 for standard status and 0 for temporarily deleted file.
owner: creator the the treecode.

Table "treefile" contains information about file categorization (relation between source files and filecat).

fid: file id.
catid: file category id.
date: date of creation of the file categorization.
dateM: not used currently.
memo: not used currently.
status: 1 for standard status and 0 for temporarily deleted record.
owner: creator the the tree file.


HUANG Ronggui

RQDA documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:24 p.m.