Man pages for RRF
Regularized Random Forest

classCenterPrototypes of groups.
combineCombine Ensembles of Trees
getTreeExtract a single tree from a forest.
growAdd trees to an ensemble
importanceExtract variable importance measure
imports85The Automobile Data
marginMargins of RRF Classifier
MDSplotMulti-dimensional Scaling Plot of Proximity matrix from RRF
na.roughfixRough Imputation of Missing Values
outlierCompute outlying measures
partialPlotPartial dependence plot
plot.RRFPlot method for RRF objects
predict.RRFpredict method for random forest objects
RRFFeature Selection with Regularized Random Forest
rrfcvRandom Forest Cross-Valdidation for feature selection
rrfImputeMissing Value Imputations by RRF
rrfNewsShow the NEWS file
treesizeSize of trees in an ensemble
tuneRRFTune RRF for the optimal mtry parameter
varImpPlotVariable Importance Plot
varUsedVariables used in a random forest
RRF documentation built on May 31, 2022, 1:05 a.m.