selfother: A fake data set on self-other agreement

selfotherR Documentation

A fake data set on self-other agreement


The data set selfother is a self-generated fake data set which can, for example, be used to try out the inclusion of control variables in the RSA() function and to try out cubic RSA. The variables in the data set are meant to reflect the following constructs:


A data frame with 800 rows and 9 variables


  • IQ_self Self-rated intelligence (on IQ scale)

  • IQ_friend Friend-rated intelligence (on IQ scale)

  • harmony Level of harmony in typical interactions between the target person and the friend

  • VI_self Self-reported value importance

  • VI_partner Partner-reported value importance

  • distance Emotional distance felt toward the partner

  • age Age of the target person

  • int Typical number of interactions between the target person and the friend (who provided the intelligence rating) per week

  • liking Target person's rating about how much he/she likes the friend

RSA documentation built on Jan. 12, 2023, 9:07 a.m.

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