
Defines functions spectralIndicesCpp specSimC rescaleImageCpp pwSimilarityCpp predictMlcCpp predKmeansCpp oneHotCpp normImageCpp nnls_solver availableRAMCpp gainOffsetRescale entropyCpp classQA

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# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393

classQA <- function(x, rcl) {
    .Call('_RStoolbox_classQA', PACKAGE = 'RStoolbox', x, rcl)

entropyCpp <- function(x) {
    .Call('_RStoolbox_entropyCpp', PACKAGE = 'RStoolbox', x)

gainOffsetRescale <- function(x, g, o, clamp) {
    .Call('_RStoolbox_gainOffsetRescale', PACKAGE = 'RStoolbox', x, g, o, clamp)

availableRAMCpp <- function(ram) {
    .Call('_RStoolbox_availableRAMCpp', PACKAGE = 'RStoolbox', ram)

nnls_solver <- function(x, A, iterate = 400L, tolerance = 0.000001) {
    .Call('_RStoolbox_nnls_solver', PACKAGE = 'RStoolbox', x, A, iterate, tolerance)

normImageCpp <- function(x, M, S) {
    .Call('_RStoolbox_normImageCpp', PACKAGE = 'RStoolbox', x, M, S)

oneHotCpp <- function(x, classes, bg, fg, na_rm) {
    .Call('_RStoolbox_oneHotCpp', PACKAGE = 'RStoolbox', x, classes, bg, fg, na_rm)

predKmeansCpp <- function(x, centers, returnDistance = FALSE) {
    .Call('_RStoolbox_predKmeansCpp', PACKAGE = 'RStoolbox', x, centers, returnDistance)

predictMlcCpp <- function(newdata, model, nclasses) {
    .Call('_RStoolbox_predictMlcCpp', PACKAGE = 'RStoolbox', newdata, model, nclasses)

pwSimilarityCpp <- function(img, ref, method) {
    .Call('_RStoolbox_pwSimilarityCpp', PACKAGE = 'RStoolbox', img, ref, method)

rescaleImageCpp <- function(x, scal, xmin, ymin) {
    .Call('_RStoolbox_rescaleImageCpp', PACKAGE = 'RStoolbox', x, scal, xmin, ymin)

specSimC <- function(x, em) {
    .Call('_RStoolbox_specSimC', PACKAGE = 'RStoolbox', x, em)

spectralIndicesCpp <- function(x, indices, redBand, blueBand, greenBand, nirBand, redEdge1Band, redEdge2Band, redEdge3Band, swir1Band, swir2Band, swir3Band, maskLayer, maskValue, L, s, G, C1, C2, Levi, swir2ccc, swir2cdiff, sf) {
    .Call('_RStoolbox_spectralIndicesCpp', PACKAGE = 'RStoolbox', x, indices, redBand, blueBand, greenBand, nirBand, redEdge1Band, redEdge2Band, redEdge3Band, swir1Band, swir2Band, swir3Band, maskLayer, maskValue, L, s, G, C1, C2, Levi, swir2ccc, swir2cdiff, sf)

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RStoolbox documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:34 a.m.