Man pages for RStorm
Simulate and Develop Streaming Processing

AddBoltFunction to add a 'Bolt' to a 'Topology' object to specify a...
AddFinalizeFunction to add a finalize function to a 'Topology'
BoltFunction to create a 'Bolt' object to add to a stream
ChangeSpoutFunction to change the Spout of a Topology
EmitFunction to emit a 'Tuple' along the stream. The emitted data...
GetHashFunction to retrieve objects stored locally during the...
GetHashListFunction to retrieve a list of locally stored object...
GetHashNamesFunction to retrieve the names of locally stored objects in...
GetTrackFunction to retrieve objects stored using the 'SetTrack'...
GetTrackNamesFunction to retrieve the names of all tracked objects using...
RStorm.envEnvironment used by RStorm for internal storage of objects.
RStreamMain function to run a stream.
RStream-packageSimulate a Streaming Process in [R]
sentencesSentences of the first section of the paper by Student...
SetHashFunction to store a 'data.frame' during a stream.
ShowFinalizeFunction to display the name of the finalize function.
TopologyFunction to create a topology
TrackRowFunction to store the value of some object in the stream over...
TupleFunction to create an object of type 'Tuple' to emit down a...
RStorm documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:14 a.m.