RTest - Test Adapter example


This test case shall explain to you how to construct a test case including a test-adapter.

Basic example

For the first test we would like to test a really simple example. We want to test a function that binds the sum of each row to a data frame as an additional column called sum and multiplies it with an additional parameter mult. The function shall be called test_fun.

# All d efaults
## Define the functions to be tested
test_fun <- function(dat, mult) {   cbind(dat, "sum" = apply(dat, 1, sum)*mult) }

# assign global to work inside vignette
assign("test_fun", test_fun, envir = .GlobalEnv)

We want to create a test case that goes through and one that failes to show the RTest functionality.

Create the test case

First an empty test case in RTest contains a synopsis and input-data:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


        <author>Matthias Pfeifer</author>
        <short-description>RTest Template TC</short-description>
    Extended Description of the test case allowing also <some><special>/characters
            <change author="Matthias Pfeifer" date="2016-01-25">Initial Version</change>
        <data.frame name="test01">
                <coldef name="x" type="numeric" />
                <coldef name="y" type="numeric" />

As you can see, the XML file that we'll create links to the RTest.xsd. This allows to pre-write certain parts of the document and define structures, like "What does a data.frame look like?". To visualize XML and XSD we highly recommend using Altova XML Spy. The input data output we created here can be generated using:

my_data <- data.frame(x=c(1,2),y=c(1,2))


The next step is to define a test case. As RTest is made for testing packages each test case has to start with a package name node, e.g. RTest. Then you have to define a function to call, e.g. funct_01. These two nodes have to follow like this:

   <funct_01 test-desc="First test of funct_01">


Afterwards we have to define what we want to test in each function. Therefore we need to define input paramters

       <mult value = "1" type="numeric" />

in our case just the value of mult and the reference values.

        <coldef name="x" type="numeric" />
        <coldef name="y" type="numeric" />
        <coldef name="sum" type="numeric" />

Additionally we'll have to tell how the function shall be executed (silently, warning, ...). The test case for a working test looks like this:

<funct_01 test-desc="First test of funct_01">
       <mult value = "1" type="numeric" />
            <coldef name="x" type="numeric" />
            <coldef name="y" type="numeric" />
            <coldef name="sum" type="numeric" />
        <execution execution-type="silent" />
        <return-value compare-type="equal" diff-type="absolute" tolerance="0.001" />

You see that mult is set to "1" and we basically add up the values rowwise.

For a non-working test we can use:

<funct_01 test-desc="see test_fun fail">
       <mult value = "1" type="numeric" />
            <coldef name="x" type="numeric" />
            <coldef name="y" type="numeric" />
            <coldef name="sum" type="numeric" />
        <execution execution-type="silent" />
        <return-value compare-type="equal" diff-type="absolute" tolerance="0.001" />

this test shall fail as <cell>5</cell> is not the sum of 1 and 2. We are ready with the XML file. You can also get this file by using paste0(find.package("RTest"),"/xml-templates")

Create Test Adapter

The test adapter is an R-script that tells RTest how to interpret the XML file. The test adapter shall now use params, reference and test-spec to test the outcome of the function test_fun. Therefore we need to

1) Create a Test Adapter class - "TestPackageTestClass" 2) Create a Test Method - "test.RTest.funct_01" named after the XML structure

Part 1 is fairly simple. For Part2 you need to know some of the RTest functionalities. Please see the following code for an example:

# Create test adapter
        Class          = "TestPackageTestCase",
        representation = representation(),
        prototype      = list(), 
        contains       = "RTestCase",
        where = .GlobalEnv

TestPackageTestCase <- function(xmlpath){

        signature  = "TestPackageTestCase",
        definition = function(object, inputData, execCache, xmlDef, ...) {

            # Read parameters
            mult <- RTest::xmlReadData_variable(xmlDef[["params"]][["mult"]])

            # Calculate result
            result <- RTest::test_execution(
                    what        = test_fun,
                    args        = list(c(inputData[[1]], mult)),
                    xmlTestSpec = xmlDef[["testspec"]][["execution"]])

            # Read reference
            reference <- RTest::xmlReadData_data.frame(xmlDef[["reference"]])

            # Execute test

            # Return result (will be cached)
        where = .GlobalEnv

As you can see we use xmlReadData_variable to read the xml value of mult. Instead of do.call in RTest we use the wrapper function test_execution that not only runs code, but also checks, if it runs as expected. You can see that each of our test-methods gets the parameter inputData as an input. inputData is a list of all values inside the input-data section of the XML file. The first value inside our XML file was a data.frame, so we use inputData[[1]] to derive its values and hand it over to test_fun.

The reference can be compared using test_returnValue_data.frame_cellbycell which is the RTest wrapper for expact_equal for data.frames. All our compare functions start with the name test_returnValue_ and you can find them by this.

In future we plan on enabling test-cases without test-adapters.

Execute test

We can now create a test collection from the folder where we stored the XML test files. In our case we use the basic example that we provide to you inside the package.

# Create test collection
testCollection <- new("RTestCollection", 
        project.name    = "RTest Vignette", 
        project.details = "Example test exectuion",
        tester          = "Example tester",
        test.start      = format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))

# Import TCs
TCDir <- paste0(find.package("RTest"),"/xml-templates")

testCollection <- importTCsFromDir(testCollection,
        xml.dPath = TCDir,f.pattern="RTest_TC-01.xml")

We will then run our test-collection and a lovely Report will be produced.

outf <- tempfile(fileext=".html")

# Execute test cases
testCollection <- exec(testCollection, out.fPath = outf, open=FALSE)
# All defaults


For any questions refer to the package maintainer.

Try the RTest package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

RTest documentation built on Dec. 4, 2019, 5:07 p.m.