Man pages for RTest
A XML-Based Testing Framework for Automated Component Tests of R Packages

arguments_creatorRead arguments from RTest 'param'-XML Node
clearTestClear Test Reporter and Test Cache of Last Test Case...
example_data_frameFunction changing a data frame by adding a column
example_imageFunction returning the Roche logo as an image at tempdir
example_listFunction returning a list with three values
example_list_largeFunction returning a list with three values and large DF
example_variableFunction returning relative difference of X and Y
example_vectorFunction returning a character vector of length "rep"
execTests imported Test Cases
execAdapterExecute the Adapter Function of the Test Case
execCacheExecution Cache for Test Function
expect_less_moreExpect less or more
expect_silent_RTestExpect a function call to run silent
expect_testthattestthat expect fun
genericGeneric test adapter Method
getExecDetails.htmlCreate Detailed HTML Summary of the Last Execution of the...
getExecStatesExecution Statues of TCs
getExecSummarySummary of the Last Execution of the Test Case
getExecSummary.htmlCreate HTML Summary of the Last Execution of the Test Case
get_existence_of_funFind out if a function is available
getfunfunction to derive external package functionalities
getIDGet ID of the Test Case
getRTMGet RTM for all executed test cases
getRTMInfosCreate RTM from executed test cases
getRTMInMatrixShapeGet RTM for all executed test cases in a matrix shape
getSynopsisGet Synopsis of the Test Case
getTCReturn Imported Test Case
getTestForGet For of Last Execution of the Test Case
getTestResultGet Result of Last Execution of the Test Case
getTypeGet Type of the Test Case
getValidTCsGet a List of TCs
getXMLRootGet the XML Root of the Test Case
getXMLSourceFileNameGet File Name of the XML Input File of the Test Case
getXMLSourcePathGet Path to the XML Input File of the Test Case
htmlify_stringfunction to make strings xml and html compatible
importTCImport Test Case from XML File
importTCsFromDirImport all Test Cases from XML Files of a Directory
initializeTestsInitialize the Test Slot for a Test Case.
normalizeDateReformat a Date String
package_md5Function to derive an md5 hash of a package in a current...
png2base64Converts a PNG File Into a Base64 String for Using IT as...
quasi_captureMethod capturing the run
readXMLInputDataRead Input Data of Test Case for Default XML Definitions
RTestRTest: A XML-based Testing System For R Packages
RTestCaseConstructor for RTestCase
RTestCase-classThe 'RTestCase' Class
RTest.catWrite Text To Console
RTestCollectionConstructor for 'RTestCollection'
RTestCollection-classClass Definition 'RTestCollection'
RTest.executeFunction to generally execute a Test Case collection
RTest.getRTMFunction to return a risk tracibility matrix from a folder...
RTest.printPrint Text To Console
setTestMethodCreate and Save a Default Test Method For a Test Case Adapter
showShow Summary of RTestCollection Instance
show-RTestCase-methodPrint Summary of the Test Case to Console
summary-RTestCollection-methodExecution Summary As R Data Object
systemInfo.hostSummarize Host System Information
systemInfo.packagesSummarize System Packages
systemInfo.RInstSummarize R Version Information
testExecute Test Logic of the Test Case
test_executionTests Silent Execution of an Function
test_funA simple function to Test the RTest package
test_returnValue_anyGenerically compare two values with RTest
test_returnValue_data.frame_cellbycellTests a Standard R 'data.frame' Cell-By-Cell...
test_returnValue_data.frame_shapeTests a Standard R 'data.frame' by shape, rownames and...
test_returnValue_imageTests an image file with ImageMagick ('RTestTest_image')
test_returnValue_list_nodebynodeTests a Standard R 'list' Node-By-Node...
test_returnValue_variableTests a Standard R 'variable' ('RTestTest_vector_variable')
test_returnValue_vector_elementbyelementTests a Standard R 'vector' Element-By-Element...
test.RTest.funct_01Test Function For Testing Function...
writeExecSummary.htmlWrite Summary of Last Test Case Executions as HTML
xmlFromListCreat an XML Node from a list
xmlReadData_data.frameRead XML Data From Type 'xmlReadData_data.frame' as R...
xmlReadData_imageRead XML Data From Type 'xmlReadData_image' as R Variable
xmlReadData_listRead XML Data From Type 'xmlReadData_list' as R 'list'...
xmlReadData_textRead XML Data From Type 'xmlReadData_text' as R Variable
xmlReadData_to_listRead an unidentified List of Data Types from TestCase params
xmlReadData_variableRead XML Data From Type 'xmlReadData_variable' as R Variable
xmlReadData_vectorRead XML Data From Type 'xmlReadData_vector' as R Vector
xmlRead.defaultGeneral import function to reads XML data of different types
xmlWriteContextWrite the Opening (Header, Root-Tag) and Closing for a...
xmlWriteData_data.frameWrite a R 'data.frame' as XML Data of Type...
xmlWriteData_listWrite a R 'list' as XML Data of Type 'xmlReadData_list'
xmlWriteData_matrixWrite a R 'matrix' as XML Data of Type 'xmlReadData_matrix'
xmlWriteData_paramsWrite params for XML test cases 'xmlReadData_params'
xmlWriteData_variableWrite a R 'constat' as XML Data of Type...
xmlWriteData_vectorWrite a R 'vector' as XML Data of Type 'xmlReadData_vector'
xmlWriteInputDataWrite the Input-Data section for a RTestCase
xmlWriteSynopsisWrite the Synopsis for a RTestCase
xmlWriteTestWrite the Test section for a RTestCase
xmlWriteTest_data.frame_cellbycellWrite XML Test Definition of Type...
xmlWriteTest_executionWrite XML Test Definition of Type 'RTestTest_execution'
xmlWriteTestFunctionWrite the Test section for a RTestCase
xmlWriteTest_list_nodebynodeWrite XML Test Definition of Type 'RTestTest_list_nodebynode'
xmlWriteTestsWrite the Tests section for a RTestCase
xmlWriteTestSpecWrite the testpsec section for a RTestCase
xmlWriteTest_variableWrite XML Test Definition of Type 'RTestTest_variable'
xmlWriteTest_vector_elementbyelementWrite XML Test Definition of Type...
RTest documentation built on Dec. 4, 2019, 5:07 p.m.