matrix_container-class: an S4 class containing the training and classification...

Description Objects from the Class Slots Author(s) Examples


An S4 class containing all information necessary to train, classify, and generate analytics for a dataset.

Objects from the Class

Objects could in principle be created by calls of the form new("matrix_container", ...). The preferred form is to have them created via a call to create_container.



Object of class "matrix.csr": stores the training set of the DocumentTermMatrix created by create_matrix


Object of class "factor": stores the training labels for each document in the training_matrix slot of matrix_container-class


Object of class "matrix.csr": stores the classification set of the DocumentTermMatrix created by create_matrix


Object of class "factor": if virgin=FALSE, stores the labels for each document in classification_matrix


Object of class "vector": stores the column names of the DocumentTermMatrix created by create_matrix


Object of class "logical": boolean specifying whether the classification set is virgin data (TRUE) or not (FALSE).


Timothy P. Jurka


data <- NYTimes[sample(1:3100,size=100,replace=FALSE),]
matrix <- create_matrix(cbind(data["Title"],data["Subject"]), language="english", 
removeNumbers=TRUE, stemWords=FALSE, weighting=tm::weightTfIdf)
container <- create_container(matrix,data$Topic.Code,trainSize=1:75, testSize=76:100, 


Example output

Loading required package: SparseM

Attaching package: 'SparseM'

The following object is masked from 'package:base':


An object of class "matrix.csr"
Slot "ra":
  [1] 1.4764125 0.7382062 0.7382062 0.5620993 1.1241986 0.7382062 0.7382062
  [8] 0.4745612 0.4745612 0.4745612 0.4745612 0.4745612 0.4745612 0.3613495
 [15] 0.4745612 0.2184924 0.4745612 0.4745612 0.4745612 0.4745612 0.4745612
 [22] 0.4152410 0.4152410 0.4152410 0.4152410 0.4152410 0.4152410 0.4152410
 [29] 0.4152410 0.3527410 0.3161809 0.4152410 0.4152410 0.4152410 0.4152410
 [36] 0.7054820 0.8304820 0.7054820 0.8304820 0.8304820 0.7054820 0.8304820
 [43] 0.8304820 0.7054820 1.4764125 0.7382062 0.7382062 0.7382062 0.7382062
 [50] 0.7382062 0.6270951 0.6270951 0.9491223 0.9491223 0.8062652 0.9491223
 [57] 0.9491223 0.9491223 0.8062652 0.4745612 0.4745612 0.4031326 0.4031326
 [64] 0.3613495 0.4745612 0.4745612 0.4745612 0.4031326 0.4031326 0.4031326
 [71] 0.4745612 0.4745612 0.4031326 0.6270951 0.7382062 0.8525558 0.7382062
 [78] 0.6270951 0.6270951 0.7382062 0.7382062 0.6323617 0.8304820 0.7054820
 [85] 0.6323617 1.6609640 0.8304820 0.8304820 1.1073094 0.7203213 1.1073094
 [92] 1.1073094 0.7739760 0.8431489 0.6643856 0.6643856 0.4058894 0.6643856
 [99] 1.0117787 0.6643856 0.6643856 0.5643856 0.6643856 0.8304820 0.8304820
[106] 0.5804820 0.7054820 0.8304820 0.8304820 1.6609640 0.4745612 0.4745612
[113] 0.7226991 0.4031326 0.3613495 0.9491223 0.2184924 0.4031326 0.9491223
[120] 0.4745612 0.2740358 0.5110659 1.0221317 0.6649120 1.5331976 0.4341428
[127] 0.5110659 0.5110659 0.5110659 0.5110659 0.4429237 0.3095904 0.4429237
[134] 0.4429237 0.4429237 0.3762571 0.4429237 0.4078525 0.4429237 0.4429237
[141] 0.3762571 0.4429237 0.2557668 0.4429237 0.4152410 0.4152410 0.4152410
[148] 0.4152410 0.4152410 0.4152410 0.4152410 0.4152410 0.4152410 0.4152410
[155] 0.4152410 0.4152410 0.3527410 0.4152410 0.3161809 0.4152410 0.6039869
[162] 0.5130778 0.6039869 0.3689903 0.6039869 0.6039869 0.6039869 0.6039869
[169] 0.6039869 0.6039869 0.6039869 0.5536547 0.5536547 0.5536547 0.5536547
[176] 0.5536547 0.5536547 0.5536547 0.5536547 0.4703213 0.5536547 0.5536547
[183] 0.4703213 0.5058894 0.5058894 0.5643856 0.5643856 0.5643856 1.1287712
[190] 1.3287712 0.6643856 2.2575425 1.5346005 1.1287712 1.3287712 1.3287712
[197] 1.3287712 1.1287712 1.3287712 0.5402410 0.7054820 1.6609640 0.7054820
[204] 0.8304820 0.5804820 0.6323617 3.3219281 3.3219281 0.4341428 0.6649120
[211] 0.5110659 1.0221317 0.2352995 1.0221317 0.5110659 0.5110659 0.5110659
[218] 0.2951155 0.6643856 0.6643856 0.6643856 0.6643856 1.3287712 0.6643856
[225] 0.6643856 1.3287712 0.5536547 0.4703213 1.1073094 0.4703213 1.1073094
[232] 0.5536547 1.1073094 0.5536547 0.5536547 0.7382062 0.7382062 0.7382062
[239] 1.2541903 1.1241986 0.7382062 0.7382062 1.1073094 1.1073094 0.5536547
[246] 0.9406427 0.4703213 0.9406427 0.5536547 0.5536547 1.4109640 1.2647234
[253] 1.4109640 1.6609640 0.6270951 0.3691031 0.3691031 0.3691031 0.3691031
[260] 0.3691031 0.3691031 0.7382062 0.3691031 0.7382062 0.3691031 0.3691031
[267] 0.3691031 0.3691031 0.3691031 0.5643856 1.3287712 0.5643856 0.6643856
[274] 0.6643856 0.6643856 0.6643856 0.5643856 0.5643856 0.6039869 0.5130778
[281] 0.4598994 0.6039869 0.2780812 1.2079739 0.6039869 0.5130778 1.2079739
[288] 3.3219281 1.6609640 1.6609640 0.9491223 0.6174183 0.9491223 0.9491223
[295] 1.8982446 0.9491223 0.8304820 0.8304820 0.8304820 0.8304820 0.8304820
[302] 1.2647234 0.8304820 1.3287712 1.3287712 0.6643856 0.6643856 0.6643856
[309] 0.6643856 0.6643856 0.6643856 1.1073094 0.9406427 1.1073094 0.9406427
[316] 2.2146187 1.6609640 1.6609640 1.6609640 1.6609640 0.4703213 0.3197084
[323] 0.5536547 0.5536547 0.4703213 0.4703213 0.5536547 0.4703213 0.4215745
[330] 0.4215745 0.5536547 0.5536547 0.9491223 0.9491223 0.6634080 0.9491223
[337] 0.4369848 0.8062652 0.5480716 0.9491223 0.8062652 0.5798420 0.8062652
[344] 0.8062652 0.8062652 0.9491223 0.8682856 0.8682856 1.0221317 0.5110659
[351] 0.5110659 1.0221317 0.5110659 0.3891457 0.3891457 1.6609640 0.8304820
[358] 0.8304820 1.4109640 0.8304820 0.8304820 0.5804820 0.8304820 0.8304820
[365] 0.8304820 0.7054820 0.8304820 0.8304820 0.8304820 0.9197989 0.6039869
[372] 0.2780812 0.6039869 0.6039869 1.0261557 0.5130778 0.5130778 0.3487728
[379] 0.6039869 0.9197989 0.6039869 0.5130778 0.4598994 0.6039869 0.6039869
[386] 0.6039869 0.6039869 0.6039869 0.6039869 0.4598994 0.6039869 0.5130778
[393] 0.4598994 0.6039869 0.5130778 0.6039869 0.6039869 0.6039869 0.5130778
[400] 0.8304820 0.8304820 0.8304820 0.8304820 0.8304820 0.8304820 0.8304820
[407] 0.8304820 0.7382062 0.7382062 0.6270951 1.1241986 1.4764125 0.7382062
[414] 0.7382062 0.8304820 0.8304820 0.8304820 0.7054820 1.2647234 1.4109640
[421] 1.1073094 0.4703213 0.5536547 1.1073094 0.3869880 0.4703213 0.9406427
[428] 0.4703213 0.5536547 1.6609640 0.4795627 0.8304820 0.8304820 0.8304820
[435] 1.6609640 0.8304820 0.4795627 0.8304820 0.6323617 0.8304820 1.6609640
[442] 0.7054820 0.2740358 0.4745612 0.4031326 0.9491223 0.7226991 0.3317040
[449] 0.3317040 0.9491223 0.9491223 0.4745612 0.9491223 0.4745612 0.2899210
[456] 0.4745612 1.0840486 0.4745612 0.4745612 0.4031326 0.9491223 0.4745612
[463] 1.6609640 1.4109640 1.6609640 1.6609640 1.1073094 1.1073094 0.9406427
[470] 0.4703213 0.9406427 0.5536547 0.5536547 0.5536547 1.6609640 1.4109640
[477] 1.6609640 1.4109640 0.3163741 0.5375101 0.2687551 0.3163741 0.3163741
[484] 0.6634080 0.2687551 0.5375101 0.9491223 0.2687551 0.3163741 0.3163741
[491] 0.2687551 0.3163741 0.3163741 0.3836501 0.6643856 0.6643856 0.5643856
[498] 0.6643856 0.5643856 0.3058894 0.6643856 0.6643856 0.6643856 0.8304820
[505] 1.6609640 0.8304820 0.3823617 1.6609640 0.8304820 0.5536547 0.5536547
[512] 1.1073094 0.4703213 0.5536547 0.9406427 0.9406427 0.4703213 0.5536547
[519] 0.5536547 0.3601607 1.1073094 0.3601607 0.5536547 0.5536547 0.4703213
[526] 0.3197084 0.5536547 0.5536547 0.5536547 1.3287712 1.3287712 0.6643856
[533] 0.5643856 0.5643856 0.6643856 1.3287712 0.9406427 1.1073094 1.1073094
[540] 2.2146187 1.1073094 0.5536547 0.5536547 0.4703213 0.5536547 0.5536547
[547] 0.4703213 0.5536547 0.5536547 0.5536547 0.5536547 0.4703213 0.5536547
[554] 0.3572197 0.5110659 0.5110659 0.5110659 0.5110659 0.3891457 0.5110659
[561] 0.5110659 0.5110659 0.5110659 0.5110659 0.5110659 0.4341428 0.6191808
[568] 0.4429237 0.2557668 0.3762571 0.4429237 0.7525142 0.3095904 0.3095904
[575] 0.4429237 0.4429237 0.3762571 0.4429237 0.3762571 0.9491223 1.8982446
[582] 1.8982446 0.9491223 0.9491223 0.7054820 0.5402410 1.6609640 0.8304820
[589] 0.8304820 0.3823617 0.8304820 0.7144394 0.4341428 0.5110659 0.5110659
[596] 0.5110659 0.5110659 0.4341428 0.5110659 0.7782913 0.5110659 0.5110659
[603] 0.8304820 0.8304820 1.6609640 0.8304820 1.6609640 0.8304820 1.1073094
[610] 0.5536547 1.1073094 0.5536547 0.5536547 0.5536547 0.5536547 0.5536547
[617] 0.4215745 0.5536547 0.5536547 0.4703213 0.2549078 0.5536547 1.1073094
[624] 0.5536547 0.4215745 0.5536547 0.5536547 0.5536547 0.3197084 1.8982446
[631] 0.9491223 0.9491223 0.7226991 0.9491223 0.9491223

Slot "ja":
  [1] 298 306 307 502 557 607 649 152 228 231 277 281 303 312 337 411 473 499
 [19] 518 690 691  50  86 142 165 266 300 304 321 334 373 399 453 462 571 685
 [37] 133 226 245 325 358 407 434 560  78 236 247 248 370 371 419 552  95 183
 [55] 270 323 346 395 419 107 155 232 256 282 320 361 418 506 512 567 631 655
 [73] 681  19  58 189 398 412 542 543 671 140 193 291 322 500 535 675  22  76
 [91] 259 429 481 502  32 103 141 255 312 437 527 570 590  49  89 392 430 431
[109] 505 628  44  74  83 175 274 366 411 510 618 636 687   4  60  76 177 469
[127] 496 574 622 638  36 101 119 215 223 224 352 411 470 471 596 626 687 688
[145]  28  29  37 208 213 220 276 287 295 369 457 541 549 550 592 659   6  11
[163]  26 141 179 204 421 515 520 545 620  30  31  96  97 363 488 526 546 549
[181] 572 579 585 137 140 194 196 224 229 305 578  98 105 256  80 504 525 625
[199] 672  76 123 250 290 463 481 536  93 664  16  56 218 350 411 444 584 663
[217] 686 687  14 143 227 261 415 458 576 603  18 138 171 299 318 329 379 611
[235] 633 263 389 390 483 557 580 637  13  61 120 151 164 232 494 539  79 274
[253] 378 489   8  66 139 235 237 238 241 258 284 357 404 405 406 474 662  54
[271]  65  79 198 362 433 522 566 643  27 190 234 339 411 447 461 565 575  12
[289] 587 653  48  56 110 268 601 648  64  69  70 439 484 592 646  45 108 200
[307] 367 387 442 501 551 115 151 252 380 624 111 476 582 594  19 105 125 158
[325] 162 343 348 412 480 554 606 627  59  62 101 374 411 482 687  35  42 141
[343] 328 372 378 568  11  75 127 173 356 449 556 557 592  68 166 180 459 533
[361] 581 101 264 317 509 542 544 630 651 140 342 411 422 467 506 566 685 687
[379]  85 137 214 229 234 244 273 309 497 650  82 137 150 168 322 333 334 340
[397] 401 591 597 118 280 289 332 456 586 654 665  40 100 196 314 426 493 553
[415] 160 169 211 285 326 610 217 243 360 385 392 514 565 567 680  84 105 126
[433] 278 446 677 172 189 209 314 315 443 678 105 113 161 272 282 392 403 445
[451] 486 503  41  57 141 294 326 354 438 570 583 683  90 260 589 614  24  33
[469]  43 270 286 523 524 531 257 596 605 625   1   8   9  17  39  72 144 420
[487] 495 514 598 599 610 644 670 105 129 132 138 147 402 411 475 490 562  25
[505] 249 316 411 492 555 310 311 365 376 409 420 427 459 487  23  56  63  76
[523]  87 117 161 189 239 265 577  34  53 104 290 380 381 423 168 185 368 417
[541] 559  88  94 135 205 301 302 388 397 472 530 666 682 101 197 210 221 230
[559] 312 313 413 425 588 647 658 669  72 176 189 226 246 267 403 481 529 569
[577] 585 609 643  71 167 181 240 498   9  56 124 188 331 411 508  72  75  91
[595] 102 116 297 402 428 480 616 619 212 391 416 440 537 629   2  10  73  92
[613] 130 199 253 511 554 561 279 285 411 424 435 513 536 564 613 679 687 269
[631] 344 345 373 466 563

Slot "ia":
 [1]   1   8  22  37  45  53  60  74  82  89  95 104 111 122 131 145 161 172 184
[20] 192 195 200 207 209 219 227 236 243 251 255 270 279 288 291 297 304 312 317
[39] 321 333 340 347 356 362 370 379 389 400 408 415 421 430 436 443 453 463 467
[58] 475 479 494 504 510 519 530 537 542 554 567 580 585 592 603 609 619 630 636

Slot "dimension":
[1]  75 691

 [1] 6  16 16 29 19 12 1  19 12 20 16 8  3  20 16 28 19 19 10 19 29 20 7  12 10
[26] 2  2  16 3  19 3  19 3  26 24 16 15 20 20 24 19 6  14 19 12 10 30 17 19 19
[51] 5  20 19 20 19 2  12 29 16 16 19 16 20 15 30 19 16 20 19 7  20 19 20 28 12
Levels: 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 15 16 17 19 20 24 26 28 29 30
An object of class "matrix.csr"
Slot "ra":
  [1] 0.4795627 0.8304820 0.8304820 0.6323617 1.6609640 0.8304820 0.7054820
  [8] 1.0221317 1.0221317 0.5110659 1.0221317 0.5110659 0.5110659 0.8682856
 [15] 1.0221317 0.3908151 0.3908151 0.3908151 0.3319915 0.3319915 0.3908151
 [22] 0.3908151 0.3908151 0.3319915 0.3908151 0.3908151 0.3908151 0.9959746
 [29] 0.3319915 0.3319915 0.7054820 0.8304820 0.8304820 0.8304820 0.8304820
 [36] 1.6609640 0.8304820 1.1073094 0.9406427 1.1073094 1.1073094 0.9406427
 [43] 0.9406427 1.4764125 1.4764125 0.7382062 0.7382062 0.7382062 0.7382062
 [50] 0.7382062 0.5110659 0.5110659 0.5110659 1.0221317 0.5110659 0.5110659
 [57] 0.4341428 0.5110659 0.5110659 0.4341428 1.0221317 0.6039869 0.6039869
 [64] 0.3487728 0.6039869 0.6039869 0.4221687 1.2079739 0.6039869 1.2079739
 [71] 0.9491223 0.9491223 0.9491223 0.9491223 0.9491223 0.8062652 0.8062652
 [78] 0.4429237 0.2557668 0.4429237 0.3762571 0.4429237 0.3762571 0.3095904
 [85] 0.3095904 0.4429237 0.3762571 0.4429237 0.3372596 0.4429237 0.3762571
 [92] 0.4429237 0.5643856 0.6643856 1.3287712 0.5643856 0.6643856 1.1287712
 [99] 0.5058894 0.6643856 0.7739760 0.3601607 0.4215745 1.1073094 0.9406427
[106] 0.5536547 0.4703213 0.5536547 0.5536547 0.6643856 0.6643856 1.1287712
[113] 0.9287712 0.6643856 0.6643856 0.5058894 0.6643856 0.4031326 0.9491223
[120] 0.4745612 0.9491223 0.9491223 0.3613495 0.4745612 0.9491223 0.4745612
[127] 0.4031326 0.3836501 0.5643856 0.5643856 0.6643856 0.5643856 0.6643856
[134] 0.5643856 0.6643856 0.5058894 0.5058894 0.9491223 0.9491223 0.8062652
[141] 0.9491223 0.9491223 0.9491223 0.9491223 0.4341428 0.7782913 0.5110659
[148] 0.4341428 0.5110659 0.7782913 1.0221317 0.2352995 0.4341428 0.2951155
[155] 0.3691031 0.6270951 0.2254941 0.7382062 0.3691031 0.3691031 0.3691031
[162] 0.3691031 0.2810496 0.3691031 0.3691031 0.7382062 0.3691031 0.3691031
[169] 0.3691031 0.6643856 0.7673003 1.3287712 0.6643856 0.5643856 0.6643856
[176] 0.6643856 0.6643856 0.3689903 0.6039869 0.6039869 1.2079739 0.6039869
[183] 0.6039869 0.6039869 0.6039869 0.6039869 0.6039869 1.1073094 1.1073094
[190] 1.1073094 1.1073094 1.1073094 1.1073094 0.9491223 0.8062652 0.9491223
[197] 0.9491223 1.6125303 0.8062652 0.6649120 0.3891457 0.5110659 0.5110659
[204] 0.8682856 0.5110659 1.0221317 0.5110659 1.0221317 0.5536547 1.1073094
[211] 0.5536547 0.5536547 0.5536547 0.4703213 0.5536547 0.4703213 0.5536547
[218] 0.9406427 0.5110659 0.5110659 0.4341428 0.4341428 0.3891457 0.5110659
[225] 0.5110659 0.5110659 0.5110659 0.5110659 0.5110659 0.5110659 0.5110659

Slot "ja":
  [1] 189 271 283 314 441 540 666  38 134 216 330 349 516 538 635  55  77 106
 [19] 164 194 251 336 353 358 377 394 632 674 678 684 123 136 145 410 621 634
 [37] 668 335 376 528 593 674 681  81 292 347 393 547 573 602 131 351 359 364
 [55] 382 383 427 432 460 597 640 153 154 189 219 222 481 521 652 667  20 112
 [73] 308 338 464 538 552 128 189 242 243 262 299 392 403 408 483 491 502 507
 [91] 512 519  54  67  99 144 146 182 234 608  72  76 322 436 482 485 560 600
[109] 617   3 170 267 403 451 452 536 657  43  47 157 187 288 373 534 548 604
[127] 684 105 162 190 225 291 296 343 386 480 554 184 275 302 400 641 645 673
[145]  16  83 109 135 178 274 355 411 469 687   5  98 141 159 186 233 319 324
[163] 326 327 341 414 455 468 517  52 105 191 195 430 558 642 689 141 148 156
[181] 163 202 203 293 396 660 676  46 149 192 384 465 656  15  42 121 201 328
[199] 372  56  83 207 254 286 375 448 450 532   7  21  51 122 206 260 454 510
[217] 612 669 114 174 175 182 282 477 478 479 595 615 623 639 661

Slot "ia":
 [1]   1   8  16  31  38  44  51  62  71  78  93 101 110 118 128 138 145 155 170
[20] 178 188 194 200 209 219 232

Slot "dimension":
[1]  25 691

 [1] 19 3  13 1  13 16 17 20 16 20 3  20 16 4  20 21 20 19 18 19 29 19 3  19 3 
Levels: 1 3 4 13 16 17 18 19 20 21 29
  [1] "accord"              "acquitted"           "adds"               
  [4] "advisers"            "advisor"             "african"            
  [7] "agony"               "agree"               "agreement"          
 [10] "agriculture"         "aid"                 "aids"               
 [13] "air"                 "airlines"            "albanians"          
 [16] "albany"              "amb"                 "amount"             
 [19] "analysis"            "analyst"             "angola"             
 [22] "announced"           "appeal"              "approves"           
 [25] "arabs"               "argue"               "ariel"              
 [28] "art"                 "artworks"            "asia"               
 [31] "asian"               "ask"                 "assault"            
 [34] "atlantic"            "atrocities"          "attack"             
 [37] "auctions"            "authority"           "avoid"              
 [40] "back"                "bailout"             "balkans"            
 [43] "ban"                 "band"                "base"               
 [46] "baseball"            "bass"                "batters"            
 [49] "battle"              "bay"                 "begun"              
 [52] "belgrade"            "bell"                "benefit"            
 [55] "benefits"            "bill"                "billion"            
 [58] "biting"              "bloomberg"           "bob"                
 [61] "boeing"              "bonus"               "bradley"            
 [64] "break"               "breast"              "britain"            
 [67] "broader"             "brooklyn"            "budget"             
 [70] "budgets"             "buried"              "bush"               
 [73] "cabinet"             "california"          "calls"              
 [76] "campaign"            "can"                 "canada"             
 [79] "cancer"              "capriati"            "capture"            
 [82] "car"                 "care"                "case"               
 [85] "cause"               "certain"             "challenger"         
 [88] "chandrababu"         "changed"             "changing"           
 [91] "character"           "charges"             "charming"           
 [94] "chief"               "child"               "childhoods"         
 [97] "children"            "china"               "cholesterol"        
[100] "cities"              "city"                "civility"           
[103] "clearer"             "clears"              "clinton"            
[106] "clock"               "close"               "closings"           
[109] "clout"               "coast"               "colin"              
[112] "colleagues"          "committee"           "companies"          
[115] "company"             "compassion"          "competes"           
[118] "computers"           "concerned"           "concerns"           
[121] "conflict"            "confront"            "congress"           
[124] "conservation"        "contain"             "contempt"           
[127] "control"             "convention"          "coordinate"         
[130] "corruption"          "cost"                "counterintelligence"
[133] "counts"              "court"               "courts"             
[136] "courtship"           "crash"               "creates"            
[139] "creation"            "crime"               "crisis"             
[142] "cuba"                "customers"           "cut"                
[145] "cuts"                "cutting"             "czar"               
[148] "danes"               "day"                 "daytona"            
[151] "deal"                "death"               "debate"             
[154] "debates"             "decades"             "decide"             
[157] "deemed"              "defecting"           "defector"           
[160] "delay"               "democratic"          "democrats"          
[163] "denmark"             "despite"             "detentions"         
[166] "development"         "diana"               "dies"               
[169] "dim"                 "dimension"           "disabled"           
[172] "disband"             "districts"           "doctor"             
[175] "doctors"             "documents"           "dole"               
[178] "dollars"             "donors"              "draws"              
[181] "driver"              "drug"                "drugs"              
[184] "drumbeats"           "duras"               "easing"             
[187] "eat"                 "effort"              "election"           
[190] "elections"           "embargo"             "embrace"            
[193] "employees"           "end"                 "ending"             
[196] "ends"                "enemies"             "equal"              
[199] "espy"                "estimate"            "ethnic"             
[202] "euro"                "europeans"           "eve"                
[205] "examining"           "exhausted"           "expand"             
[208] "expect"              "face"                "faceless"           
[211] "fails"               "family"              "famous"             
[214] "fate"                "fears"               "federal"            
[217] "fees"                "felons"              "fence"              
[220] "fevered"             "fighting"            "final"              
[223] "find"                "finds"               "fire"               
[226] "first"               "fleet"               "flesh"              
[229] "flight"              "foe"                 "following"          
[232] "force"               "former"              "found"              
[235] "france"              "free"                "freeze"             
[238] "freezing"            "frequently"          "friends"            
[241] "fund"                "funding"             "funds"              
[244] "future"              "game"                "gave"               
[247] "gay"                 "gays"                "gaza"               
[250] "gephardt"            "get"                 "giant"              
[253] "gifts"               "giving"              "goals"              
[256] "goes"                "going"               "gold"               
[259] "gore"                "government"          "grounds"            
[262] "groups"              "growth"              "grozny"             
[265] "gruff"               "guant"               "guard"              
[268] "gulf"                "gun"                 "guns"               
[271] "hamas"               "hamptons"            "harder"             
[274] "health"              "heartbeats"          "heated"             
[277] "heir"                "held"                "help"               
[280] "helpful"             "helps"               "high"               
[283] "hinder"              "holocaust"           "hopes"              
[286] "house"               "houses"              "hudson"             
[289] "human"               "hurdle"              "hurt"               
[292] "hussein"             "identity"            "imf"                
[295] "imminent"            "impact"              "inauguration"       
[298] "income"              "increasing"          "indefinitely"       
[301] "india"               "indian"              "information"        
[304] "inmates"             "inquiry"             "integrating"        
[307] "integration"         "intel"               "investigation"      
[310] "iran"                "iranians"            "iraq"               
[313] "iraqi"               "israel"              "israeli"            
[316] "israelis"            "issue"               "jobs"               
[319] "jong"                "jump"                "keep"               
[322] "killed"              "killing"             "kim"                
[325] "knicks"              "korea"               "korean"             
[328] "kosovo"              "labor"               "lacks"              
[331] "land"                "language"            "lap"                
[334] "last"                "law"                 "laws"               
[337] "leaders"             "leaks"               "leave"              
[340] "legend"              "lets"                "levels"             
[343] "lewinsky"            "license"             "licensing"          
[346] "life"                "lifts"               "light"              
[349] "limit"               "limiting"            "line"               
[352] "lingering"           "living"              "loans"              
[355] "lobby"               "local"               "looted"             
[358] "lose"                "low"                 "lower"              
[361] "lowest"              "lumpectomies"        "lust"               
[364] "lynch"               "makes"               "managed"            
[367] "many"                "marguerite"          "market"             
[370] "marriage"            "marry"               "massacre"           
[373] "may"                 "mayoral"             "medical"            
[376] "meet"                "meeting"             "men"                
[379] "mentally"            "merger"              "merges"             
[382] "merril"              "merrill"             "mets"               
[385] "mexico"              "midterm"             "military"           
[388] "miniser"             "minorities"          "minority"           
[391] "modern"              "money"               "mood"               
[394] "mother"              "murderer"            "must"               
[397] "naidu"               "nail"                "namo"               
[400] "naragansett"         "nascar"              "nation"             
[403] "national"            "nations"             "nazi"               
[406] "nazis"               "nba"                 "nearing"            
[409] "negociate"           "negotiate"           "new"                
[412] "news"                "night"               "north"              
[415] "northwest"           "norway"              "novelist"           
[418] "november"            "now"                 "nuclear"            
[421] "numbers"             "nyc"                 "nynex"              
[424] "obtain"              "occupation"          "offensive"          
[427] "offer"               "office"              "officially"         
[430] "oil"                 "oilmen"              "online"             
[433] "options"             "orlando"             "oscars"             
[436] "overhaul"            "overview"            "package"            
[439] "pain"                "pair"                "palestinian"        
[442] "panel"               "parliament"          "parole"             
[445] "parties"             "partner"             "party"              
[448] "passes"              "pataki"              "patients"           
[451] "peacekeeper"         "peacekeeping"        "pentagon"           
[454] "people"              "philippines"         "phone"              
[457] "pieces"              "pilots"              "plan"               
[460] "planned"             "planning"            "plans"              
[463] "platform"            "played"              "playoffs"           
[466] "please"              "plummets"            "political"          
[469] "politics"            "poll"                "polls"              
[472] "poor"                "portrayal"           "possible"           
[475] "post"                "powell"              "practices"          
[478] "prescribing"         "prescriptions"       "president"          
[481] "presidential"        "primary"             "private"            
[484] "problems"            "process"             "profile"            
[487] "program"             "prosperity"          "prostrate"          
[490] "protect"             "public"              "pullout"            
[493] "pulls"               "pursued"             "putin"              
[496] "puts"                "puzzle"              "puzzled"            
[499] "qaeda"               "queens"              "question"           
[502] "race"                "raise"               "rallies"            
[505] "ranchers"            "rate"                "rather"             
[508] "reached"             "rebel"               "rebels"             
[511] "received"            "record"              "recovery"           
[514] "reduce"              "refugee"             "regulate"           
[517] "released"            "releases"            "reliance"           
[520] "relief"              "remain"              "removals"           
[523] "repeal"              "repealing"           "repeat"             
[526] "report"              "republicans"         "requirement"        
[529] "revelation"          "riches"              "rifle"              
[532] "rights"              "rival"               "river"              
[535] "robbery"             "role"                "royal"              
[538] "rules"               "rumsfeld"            "runs"               
[541] "rushed"              "russia"              "russian"            
[544] "russians"            "rwandan"             "sacrificed"         
[547] "saddam"              "safe"                "sale"               
[550] "sales"               "savings"             "say"                
[553] "saying"              "scandal"             "scars"              
[556] "school"              "schools"             "scrap"              
[559] "screenwriter"        "season"              "secretary"          
[562] "secrets"             "see"                 "seeking"            
[565] "seeks"               "seen"                "sent"               
[568] "serbs"               "service"             "set"                
[571] "several"             "sex"                 "shadow"             
[574] "shakeup"             "sharon"              "shut"               
[577] "side"                "sign"                "slavery"            
[580] "slips"               "smaller"             "soldier"            
[583] "south"               "speaker"             "special"            
[586] "spoken"              "spread"              "stalked"            
[589] "standard"            "standoff"            "star"               
[592] "state"               "states"              "statesman"          
[595] "stealth"             "still"               "stock"              
[598] "stockpile"           "stockpiles"          "stopped"            
[601] "storm"               "streets"             "strike"             
[604] "striped"             "strong"              "struggles"          
[607] "students"            "study"               "suggest"            
[610] "summit"              "supply"              "supporters"         
[613] "supporting"          "surveillance"        "sway"               
[616] "sworn"               "system"              "take"               
[619] "taking"              "talks"               "tax"                
[622] "team"                "tech"                "telephone"          
[625] "tennis"              "terrorist"           "testing"            
[628] "texas"               "thoroughly"          "threatens"          
[631] "three"               "ticking"             "tight"              
[634] "time"                "tobacco"             "together"           
[637] "top"                 "track"               "tracking"           
[640] "trading"             "tradition"           "travel"             
[643] "treatment"           "treaty"              "tribal"             
[646] "trickles"            "troops"              "tropical"           
[649] "try"                 "twa"                 "ultimatum"          
[652] "uncertain"           "underestimated"      "understand"         
[655] "unemployment"        "unique"              "unit"               
[658] "unseen"              "upon"                "use"                
[661] "used"                "victim"              "violent"            
[664] "vipers"              "voice"               "vote"               
[667] "voters"              "wants"               "war"                
[670] "warheads"            "washington"          "way"                
[673] "wedding"             "welfare"             "wendy"              
[676] "whether"             "whitewater"          "will"               
[679] "win"                 "wiring"              "work"               
[682] "world"               "worth"               "year"               
[685] "years"               "yields"              "york"               
[688] "yorkers"             "yugoslavia"          "zaqarwi"            
[691] "zarqawi"            

RTextTools documentation built on April 26, 2020, 9:05 a.m.