
Defines functions rx

Documented in rx

#' Constructs a Verbal Expression
#' @description Add this to the beginning of every verbal expression chain. This
#' simply returns an empty character vector so that the next step in the chain
#' can provide a value without explicitly writing \code{value = "blah"}.
#' @examples
#' rx()
#' # this
#' rx() %>%
#'   rx_find("cat") %>%
#'   rx_anything() %>%
#'   rx_find("dog")
#' # instead of
#' rx_find(value = "cat") %>%
#'   rx_anything() %>%
#'   rx_find("dog")
#' @export
rx <- function() new_rx(character())

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RVerbalExpressions documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:47 a.m.