read.DVH: Read DVH data from input file

read.DVHR Documentation

Read DVH data from input file


Function to extract DVH data from input file(s). Supported file formats include Aria (v8-13), DICOM-RT, CadPlan, Monaco, RayStation, and TomoTherapy.


read.DVH(file, type=NA, verbose=TRUE, collapse=TRUE, modality=NULL, encoding="latin1")



Location of file containing relevant DVH information. One or more files may be specified. If multiple files are specified, all will be imported simultaneously.


Character vector specifying the DVH file format corresonding to each element in file. Value(s) must be one of "aria8", "aria10", "aria11", "aria13", "aria15", "dicom", "cadplan", "monaco", "raystation", or "tomo" (default is NA, which will attempt to guess the appropriate file type for each DVH file). Note that multiple different types can be processed so long as the length of type corresponds to the number of files specified, or otherwise type=NA.


Single logical value indicating whether or not to output verbose information and status in text


Single logical value indicating whether or not to collapse input from multiple files into a single DVH.list with all structures (default) or to output a nested list of individual DVH.list objects with each one corresponding to a single input file


When type="dicom", this parameter is used to specify the scan type expected in importing DICOM-RT data (must be one one of "CT" [default] or "MR").


Character value specifying the encoding type for the DVH file (default is "latin1").


Returns a single DVH.list object containing all DVH information from a single input file. If multiple files are specified, a list of DVH.list objects will be returned.


Reid F. Thompson (

See Also

DVH, DVH.list, new


# Read two DVH example files
file1 <- system.file("extdata/John_Doe.dvh", package="RadOnc")
johndoe <- read.DVH(file=file1, type="aria10", verbose=TRUE)
file2 <- system.file("extdata/Jane_Doe.dvh", package="RadOnc")
janedoe <- read.DVH(file=file2, type="aria10", verbose=TRUE)
combined <- read.DVH(file=c(file1, file2), type="aria10", collapse=TRUE)

RadOnc documentation built on Oct. 5, 2022, 1:08 a.m.