Rage 1.6.0

Rage 1.5.1

Rage 1.5.0

Rage 1.4.0

Rage 1.3.0

Rage 1.2.0

Rage 1.1.0

Rage 1.0.0

Rage 0.2.0

Released on Github on 25th April 2021

Rage 0.1.0

Released on Github on 14th December 2018

First (pre) release package. Functions include: R0, dEntropy, kEntropy, lifeTimeRepEvents, longevity, makeLifeTable, matrixElementPerturbation, plotLifeCycle, qsdConverge, reprodStages, standardizedVitalrates, vitalRatePerturbation, vitalRates.

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Rage documentation built on Sept. 30, 2023, 1:06 a.m.