bws3Design: Design Choice Sets for BWS3

View source: R/RcmdrPlugin.BWS3.R

bws3DesignR Documentation

Design Choice Sets for BWS3


Design choice sets for BWS3 with the rotation design method or mix-and-match method.


This dialog box designs choice sets for BWS3 with the rotation design method or mix-and-match method using the function in support.CEs. For details on the results of this dialog box, refer to help for function

GUI elements of this dialog box are as follows.

  • Name for design: An R object name into which choice sets generated using this dialog box are stored. The default name ‘BWS3design’ can be changed following R's rules for naming objects. If changed, you should take note of the new object name, which will be used later.

  • Save to file: A check box that is used to save the resultant design to an external file in RDA format (.rda). If necessary, check this box.

  • Design method: A method used to generate BWS3 choice sets. Select one from two radio buttons corresponding to ‘Rotation’ and ‘Mix-and-Match’. For the details on these methods, see help for function

  • Design parameters: A specification of parameters for BWS3 choice sets.

  • Number of alternatives per set (without opt-out): Number of alternatives per choice set (question), where an opt-out option is not counted as this number even if the opt-out option will be used in your survey.

  • Number of blocks: The number of blocks into which the resultant BWS3 choice sets are divided.

  • Attributes and their levels: A specification (table) of attributes and their levels used to generate BWS3 choice sets.

  • Quantitative: A check box showing that a quantitative attribute is set in the corresponding row.

  • Attribute: An attribute variable name following R's rules for naming variables. Type names without skipping from the first row.

  • Level 1 to Level 6: Level variable names corresponding to the attribute entered in the first column. These variable names must also follow R's rules for naming variables. Type names without skipping from the ‘Level 1’.

  • Reproducibility: A set for reproducibility of the resultant BWS3 choice sets.

  • Seed for random number generator (optional): An integer value used as a seed for generating random numbers. If reproducibility is needed, type an arbitrary value into this box.

  • Reproduce choice sets designed with R < 3.6.0: A check box for reproducing BWS3 choice sets generated with R versions older than 3.6.0. If necessary, check this box.

RcmdrPlugin.BWS3 documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:36 a.m.