bws3Interactions: Create Interactions between Attributes/Levels and Covariates

View source: R/RcmdrPlugin.BWS3.R

bws3InteractionsR Documentation

Create Interactions between Attributes/Levels and Covariates


Create interactions between attribute/level variables and covariates in the data set for BWS3 analysis.


This dialog box creates interactions between attribute/level variables and covariates in the data set for BWS3 analysis. This dialog box is activated if the data set for BWS3 analysis created in the ‘Create Data Set for BWS3 Analysis’ dialog box is selected as the active data set.

GUI elements of this dialog box are as follows.

  • Attribute/level variables: Variables to be used as attribute and/or level variables in the model. Select one or more variables from this list box.

  • Covariates: Variables to be used as covariates in the model. Select one or more variables from this list box.

RcmdrPlugin.BWS3 documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:36 a.m.