Man pages for RcmdrPlugin.depthTools
R Commander Depth Tools Plug-in

computeMBDComputation of the Modified Band Depth in R-commander
computeScaleCurveComputation and Representation of the Scale Curve
computeTmeanModified Band Depth-Based Alpha Trimmed Mean
plotCentralCurvesPlot of the p Percent Most Central Curves of a Dataset
RcmdrPlugin.depthTools-internalInternal RcmdrPlugin.depthTools objects
RcmdrPlugin.depthTools-packageGraphical User Interface for depthTools
runDSDistance to the Trimmed Mean Classification Method
runRtestRank Test Based on the Modified Band Depth
runTADWeighted Trimmed Mean Distance Classification Method
RcmdrPlugin.depthTools documentation built on Oct. 23, 2020, 5:49 p.m.