
# sd function


# create a function that generates a matrix with random values
create_matrix <- function() {
  matrix(runif(9, 0, 1), nrow = 3)

# use replicate() to call the create_matrix() function 20 times
mat_list <- replicate(20, create_matrix(), simplify = FALSE)

# print the list of matrices

testthat::expect_true(inherits(mat_sd(mat_list), "matrix"))

# create a function that generates a matrix with random values
create_matrix_with_NA <- function() {
  m1 <- matrix(runif(9, 0, 1), nrow = 3)
  m1[sample(3, 1), sample(3, 1)] <- NA

# use replicate() to call the create_matrix() function 20 times
mat_list_NA <- replicate(20, create_matrix_with_NA(), simplify = FALSE)

# print the list of matrices

testthat::expect_true(inherits(mat_sd(mat_list_NA, na.rm = TRUE), "matrix"))
testthat::expect_true(inherits(mat_sd(mat_list_NA, na.rm = FALSE), "matrix"))

# create a function that generates a matrix with different dimensions
create_matrix_r_dim <- function() {
  m_dim <- sample(2:10, 1)
  matrix(runif(m_dim^2, 0, 1), nrow = m_dim)

# use replicate() to call the create_matrix() function 20 times
mat_list_r_dim <- replicate(20, create_matrix_r_dim(), simplify = FALSE)

# print the list of matrices


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Rcompadre documentation built on Sept. 3, 2023, 1:07 a.m.