Man pages for Rdiagnosislist
Manipulate SNOMED CT Diagnosis Lists

addInactiveConceptsAdd inactive concepts to a SNOMEDcodelist or SNOMEDconcept...
attrConceptRetrieve all attributes of a set of SNOMED CT concepts
createSNOMEDindicesCreate indices for tables in a SNOMED environment
c.SNOMEDconceptConcatenate vectors of SNOMED CT concepts
descriptionObtain descriptions for a set of SNOMED CT terms
expandSNOMEDExpand or contract a SNOMEDcodelist
exportExport a SNOMEDcodelist
exportSNOMEDenvirExport a SNOMED environment to a folder
getMapsObtain Read 2, CTV3, ICD-10 and OPCS4 maps for SNOMED CT...
getRefsetRetrieves a Refset from the REFSET table
getSNOMEDRetrieves SNOMED CT dictionary from the global environment
hasAttributesWhether SNOMED CT concepts have particular attributes
HISTORYSample history substitution table from SNOMED CT dictionary
htmlCodelistHierarchyExport a SNOMEDcodelist hierarchy to HTML
inactiveIncludedCheck if inactive terms are included in SNOMED CT dictionary
is.SNOMEDcodelistCheck if an object is a SNOMEDcodelist
is.SNOMEDconceptCheck if an object is a SNOMEDconcept
loadREADMAPSLoad mappings from Read to SNOMED CT into an R data.table
loadSNOMEDLoad SNOMED CT files from a folder(s) into R data.table...
parentsAncestors and descendants of SNOMED CT concepts
print.SNOMEDcodelistDisplay a SNOMEDcodelist on screen
print.SNOMEDconceptDisplay a SNOMEDconcept object with descriptions
QUERYSample query table from SNOMED CT dictionary
RdiagnosislistRdiagnosislist: A package for manipulating SNOMED CT...
READMAPSSample mappings from Read to SNOMED CT
relatedConceptsObtain related concepts for a set of SNOMED CT concepts
sampleSNOMEDSample SNOMED CT dictionary
semanticTypeRetrieves semantic types using the text 'tag' in the...
simplifyRetrieves closest single ancestor within a given set of...
SNOMEDcodelistConvert a data.frame to a SNOMEDcodelist object
SNOMEDconceptReturns the SNOMED CT concept IDs for a set of terms
SNOMED_CONCEPTSample concept table from SNOMED CT dictionary
SNOMED_DESCRIPTIONSample description table from SNOMED CT dictionary
SNOMED_EXTENDEDMAPSample extended map table from SNOMED CT dictionary
SNOMED_REFSETSample refset table from SNOMED CT dictionary
SNOMED_RELATIONSHIPSample relationship tables from SNOMED CT dictionary
SNOMED_SIMPLEMAPSample SIMPLE map table from SNOMED CT dictionary
union.SNOMEDconceptSet operations for SNOMEDconcept vectors
unique.SNOMEDconceptUnique vector of SNOMED CT concepts
Rdiagnosislist documentation built on April 18, 2023, 5:12 p.m.