SNOMED_SIMPLEMAP: Sample SIMPLE map table from SNOMED CT dictionary


Sample SIMPLE map table from SNOMED CT dictionary


A sample of the SNOMED CT SIMPLE map table, containing maps to ICD-10 and OPCS4.




An object of class "data.table"


  • moduleId integer64: core metadata concept: 900000000000207008 = SNOMED CT core module, 999000021000000109 = SNOMED CT United Kingdom clinical extension reference set module, 999000031000000106 = SNOMED CT United Kingdom Edition reference set module

  • refsetId integer64: foundation metadata concept: 900000000000497000 = CTV3 simple map reference set, 446608001 = ICD-O simple map reference set, 1323081000000108 = Coronavirus disease 19 caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 test result communication to general practice concept simple map reference set, 1323091000000105 = Coronavirus disease 19 caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 test result communication to general practice description simple map reference set, 82551000000107 = National Health Service England National Genomic Test Directory whole genome sequencing test simple map reference set

  • referencedComponentId integer64: SNOMED CT conceptId of the concept mapped

  • mapTarget character: target ICD-O or CTV3 code

  • effectiveTime IDate: when the concept became active

  • active logical: whether this concept is currently active


# Load the dataset and show its properties

# This SIMPLEMAP table is part of the sample SNOMED CT dictionary
# Hence this should show the same properties as above

Rdiagnosislist documentation built on April 18, 2023, 5:12 p.m.