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The R package RecordTest provides exploratory data analysis and inference tools based on theory of records to describe the record occurrence and detect trends and change-points in time series. In particular, RecordTest consists of graphical tools, distribution-free tests for trend in location, variation or non-stationarity in the tails, and change-point detection tests, all of them based on the record occurrence. Details about the implemented tools can be found in Castillo-Mateo et al. (2023a) and Castillo-Mateo et al. (2023b) .


You can install the stable version from CRAN.


You can install the development version from GitHub

if (!require("remotes")) install.packages("remotes")

How to start?

Get started in RecordTest with the vignettes


How to cite?

To cite RecordTest in publications use:

Castillo-Mateo J, Cebrián AC, Asín J (2023). “RecordTest: An R Package to Analyze Non-Stationarity in the Extremes Based on Record-Breaking Events.” Journal of Statistical Software, 106(5), 1--28. .

A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is

@Article{,    title = {{RecordTest}: An {R} Package to Analyze Non-Stationarity in the Extremes Based on Record-Breaking Events},    author = {Jorge Castillo-Mateo and Ana C. Cebri\\'an and Jes\\'us As{\\'\i}n},    journal = {Journal of Statistical Software},    year = {2023},    volume = {106},    number = {5},    pages = {1--28},    doi = {10.18637/jss.v106.i05}, }

Award winner

Best Oral Communication Award (Student Category) of the I Conference \& XII Meeting of R users. I Congreso \& XII Jornadas de usuarios de R, Córdoba, Spain.


Castillo-Mateo J (2022). “Distribution-Free Changepoint Detection Tests Based on the Breaking of Records.” Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 29(3), 655--676. .

Castillo-Mateo J, Cebrián AC, Asín J (2023a). “RecordTest: An R Package to Analyze Non-Stationarity in the Extremes Based on Record-Breaking Events.” Journal of Statistical Software, 106(5), 1--28. .

Castillo-Mateo J, Cebrián AC, Asín J (2023b). “Statistical Analysis of Extreme and Record-Breaking Daily Maximum Temperatures in Peninsular Spain during 1960--2021.” Atmospheric Research, 293, 106934. .

Cebrián AC, Castillo-Mateo J, Asín J (2022). “Record Tests to Detect Non Stationarity in the Tails with an Application to Climate Change.” Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 36(2), 313--330. .

Diersen J, Trenkler G (1996). “Records Tests for Trend in Location.” Statistics, 28(1), 1--12. .

Foster FG, Stuart A (1954). “Distribution-Free Tests in Time-Series Based on the Breaking of Records.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 16(1), 1--22. .

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RecordTest documentation built on Aug. 8, 2023, 1:09 a.m.