CalculateC: Calculation of C by solving equation 10 in the paper

View source: R/CalculateC.R

CalculateCdirectR Documentation

Calculation of C by solving equation 10 in the paper


The limit calculated by FindAlpha is used when alpha =1 cannot be chosen (warning produced). In output, alpha is attribute.


CalculateCdirect(a, b, epsAlpha = 1e-07, AlphaHandler = warning, alpha = NULL)

CalculateC(a, b, ..., viaQR = NULL, returnAlpha = FALSE)



matrix E in paper


matrix Eg in paper


Precision constant for alpha calculation


Function (warning or stop) to be used when alpha<1


Possible with alpha as input instead of computing


Arguments to CalculateCdirect


When TRUE QR is involved. This may be needed to handle colinear data. When NULL viaQR is set to TRUE if ordinary computations fail.


When TRUE alpha (1 or value below 1) is returned instead of C. Attribute viaQR is included.


When epsAlpha=NULL calculations are performed directly (alpha=1) and alpha is not attribute.


Calculated C with attributes alpha and viaQR (when CalculateC)


Øyvind Langsrud


x <- 1:10
y <- matrix(rnorm(30) + 1:30, 10, 3)
a <- residuals(lm(y ~ x))
b <- residuals(lm(2 * y + matrix(rnorm(30), 10, 3) ~ x))

a1 <- a
b1 <- b
a1[, 3] <- a[, 1] + a[, 2]
b1[, 3] <- b[, 1] + b[, 2]

alpha <- FindAlpha(a, b)
FindAlphaSimple(a, b)  # Same result as above
CalculateC(a, b)
CalculateCdirect(a, b)  # Same result as above without viaQR attribute 
CalculateCdirect(a, b, alpha = alpha/(1 + 1e-07))  # Same result as above since epsAlpha = 1e-07
CalculateCdirect(a, b, alpha = alpha/2)  # OK
# CalculateCdirect(a,b, alpha = 2*alpha) # Not OK

FindAlpha(a, b1)
# FindAlphaSimple(a,b1) # Not working since b1 is collinear
CalculateC(a, b1, returnAlpha = TRUE)  # Almost same alpha as above (epsAlpha cause difference)

FindAlpha(b, a)
CalculateC(b, a, returnAlpha = TRUE)  # 1 returned (not same as above)
CalculateC(b, a)

FindAlpha(b1, a)   # alpha smaller than epsAlpha is set to 0 in CalculateC
CalculateC(b1, a)  # When alpha = 0 C is calculated by GenQR insetad of chol

RegSDC documentation built on Aug. 19, 2022, 9:08 a.m.

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